Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Storytelling week 14: The end of Rama's Search

After chasing Ravana into his hideout the Rama, Bhima, and Hanuman were locked outside. The vault door in the bank seemed like it would be difficult to open. Rama tried to pull the door open but he could not do it. Bhima tried next. He was the strongest, by a far margin, of the three heroes. Bhima began to pull on the vault door’s handle and they could see his veins bulging out of his arms while he was struggling. The metal handle began to bend and then with all his might he pulled and the handle snapped. This infuriated Bhima and as he grew angrier he grew stronger. Rama and Hanuman watched as Bhima’s body started to change and they witnessed him transform into a massive blue man. “BHIMA SMASH DOOR NOW,” roared Bhima. He began punching the door as hard as he could and each blow put a larger and larger dent into the door. The door was becoming more and more deformed as each punch landed and Bhima noticed this and reared back for the final blow. He threw both fists into the door and sent it flying down a long hallway until it finally slid to a stop.
The heroes ran inside to find Ravana. They ran down a long hallway until they entered what seemed to be the main chamber. The room was massive. The ceiling was at least twenty feet high and stretched for what the heroes guessed as half a mile. There were doors lined along the walls every four or five feet or so. The heroes had no idea where to go or what door to use. Hanuman decided to use his super speed to check all the doors. He was running so fast that Rama and Bhima could not even see him. After about ten minutes of this they heard Hanuman summon them. He had found Sita or who he thought was Sita. As soon as Rama and Bhima arrived Sita vanished and they heard a loud bang. The door had just closed behind them. A man appeared from the shadows. It was Indrajit, Ravana’s son. “This is where your search ends,” said Indrajit. “I will make sure of it.” He then drew his weapon and let loose a barrage of nagas. These snake like creatures wrapped themselves around Rama and Bhima and they fell to the ground. However since Hanuman was so fast he dodged the attack and then dashed by Indrajit taking his weapon as he ran by. He then let loose a barrage of nagas onto Indrajit himself and he too was overpowered by them. Hanuman released Rama and Bhima and they left Indrajit bound up as they continued on their search.
The heroes came across another large chamber but this room was more elaborate in its design and decoration than the rest of the place. This had to be Ravana’s room. They started to search the room when they were all interrupted by the sound of a siren. Bhima had triggered an alarm because he opened a chest full of weapons and armor. This startled the heroes but they now knew that their presence was known and decided to wait for Ravana. Before he arrived Bhima grabbed six new swords from the chest and gave two to each hero. He showed up with Sita in chains. He chained her to the wall and approached the heroes. “You are impressive heroes,” stated Ravana. “No outsider has ever set foot in our base, yet alone make it to my chambers but this is where your journey ends.”
“Haven’t heard that before,” scoffed Hanuman.
“Oh yes we have,” said Rama. “Someone tried to stop us with nagas earlier but that did not work out to well for him and he said almost the same thing.”
“Only Indrajit, my son uses that weapon,” stated Ravana. “What have you done with him?”
“He is bound with his own nagas at the moment,” said Bhima.
Infuriated by his son’s defeat Ravana transformed into his ultimate form. He grew nine more heads and eighteen more arms. The ten headed, twenty armed Ravana grabbed swords out of his chest and with a sword in each hand he awaited the heroes to charge in. They all drew their swords as well. The epic fight ensued. The sound of swords clanging against each other could be heard throughout the entire base. Hanuman began using his super speed to attack him and it was to no avail. There were too many arms in the way and since Ravana had so many heads he could keep track of his movements. Ravana was easily able to counter the heroes’ strikes. Bhima then transformed himself and threw one of his swords at Ravana. He tried to parry the flying sword but it was thrown with such force that it broke though the sword he was using and cut off three of his arms. Distracted by the pain, Ravana did not notice Rama behind him ready to attack. Rama used his two swords to decapitate four of the heads. The heroes worked together to continue to whittle him down until he was nothing but a regular person again. Just one head and two arms. Not wanting to admit defeat he ran towards Sita to use her as leverage. Rama saw what he was attempting to do and as Ravana started to run towards her he threw one of his swords at him. The sword went through Ravana’s back and the point was sticking out of his chest. He fell to his knees and Rama ripped the sword out of his back and beheaded Ravana. The fight was finally over. Bhima broke the chains binding Sita and she and Rama were finally reunited. They embraced and Rama promised to never leave her side again. They left the base behind them knowing that they were finally safe and could live out the rest of their lives together in peace.
Author's Note
 I used the story of Rama and Ravana’s battle for my final storybook story. Instead of taking place in Ravana’s kingdom, the setting is an old bank with an underground base. He is a gang leader in this story instead of a king. His son, Indrajit, makes an appearance with his noose of nagas attack. I enjoyed that part of the original story and wanted to add it to my own. However I did not kill him off in this story. I felt that the heroes did not need to kill him because they had no quarrel with him. They only had a problem with Ravana so he was killed off like the original. His death was different then in the original. Rama shot him with his bow. I decided not to use a bow because I had imagined an epic sword fight between the four of them and that is why I changed the heroes’ weapons. Bhima uses a club in his original story. I also changed the color that Bhima turns into. The Incredible Hulk turns green but I wanted him to turn blue to stay a bit more accurate to the Indian background these stories have. I also changed how Sita was involved. In the original she was not brought out until after the battle. I had her in my story to add a bit more detail into my battle scene.

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Photo Information: Ravana

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Reading Notes Wilson;s Ramayana Part B

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Sections 9 and 10
The battle has started and the monkeys seem to be winning. Rama and his brother face one of the generals and the general showered them with arrows. This severely wounded Rama and his brother but they were healed a bit later. They could continue the fight. Ravana decided to wake up his brother, who was a giant. It was a difficult task waking him up but once they did he ate and then fought. He was killed by Rama.

Section 11 and 12
The fighting continues until Ravana shows up to fight Rama. He is on a black chariot and the Gods evened it out by sending Rama a chariot. They begin the epic fight and Rama tears off one of his heads but it grows back. He then shoots him in the heart with an arrrow and kills Ravana. I think I will change the weapons that he uses in my story.

Section 13
Rama was so happy to find Sita but he made her go through a purity test. He did not want to but was pressured by others. She went into the flames and came out without burns because she was carried out by the God of fire. She had remained faithful to Rama. They lived out the rest of the exile and returned home to live together.

Photo Information- Kumbhakarna

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Wilson's Ramayana Part A

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Section 1 and 2
Rama wins Sita's hand in marriage by breaking an unbendable bow. He and Sita fall deeply in love. There were good times ahead but that did not last too long. For Rama lost his claim to the throne and was exiled from his kingdom.  

Section 3 and 4 
Still in exile they build a home for themselves and are happy. Bharata wants Rama to come back and lead their people but Rama refuses. He will live out his exile and return when it is over. One day they were attacked by giants and Rama fought them all off. He defeated them all but one escaped to talk to Ravana. 

Section 5 and 6
Sita is captured by Ravana, who approached her in disguise. Rama then tries to seek her out. He comes across Hanuman and he tells them of his leader Sugriva. Sugriva agrees to help find and rescue Sita once he has reclaimed his throne from his older brother. Rama helps him defeat his brother and they take back the kingdom and start the search for Sita.

Section 7 and 8
Hanuman finds Sita in Lanka and wants to rescue her. He cannot and gets captured. As an envoy they do not kill him but they light his tail on fire instead. Hanuman escapes and uses this to burn down half of Lanka as he runs through the city. He returns to Rama with a gift from Sita and they have to find a way to cross the ocean. 

Photo Information: Hanuman Carrying a mountain 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Reading Notes Part B: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 4
This is the point where Ravana captures Sita. A brave vulture tries to free Sita as Ravana flew away with her but he could not defeat him. He tells Rama who took her and where to find him. They would have to cross an ocean. Rama struggles with the loss of Sita and is willing to do anything to get her back. I like how he is devoted to one person.

Section 5
Rama comes back to find Sita missing. He and his brother argue for a bit on whose fault it is. That's when they find the vulture and he tells them what happened to Sita. Rama also meets Hanuman and Sugriva here. He helps them take back Sugriva's kingdom and then Sugriva will help find and rescue Sita.

Section 6
They cross the sea to find Ravana and defeat him. They build a bridge across the ocean and then attack Lanka. Rama ends up slaying Ravana and rescuing Sita. He then tests her loyalty to him. She was loyal and stepped out of the fire unharmed. Rama was overjoyed to see her again. This can be used to make a happy ending for my story or I ca make a twist and have the ending go sour. Not quite sure what  I want to do yet.

Photo Information- Ravana statue

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Reading Notes Part A: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 1
In this part of the story Rama is created to defeat Ravana. It then shows him growing up a bit then gets to the part where he wins Sita as his wife. I have used this part of the story before and I may come back to it to help get all the character details I need for Rama. 

Section 2

Rama is going to be made king but something happens preventing this. The king owed two boons to Kaikeyi and she demanded that her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama left to uphold his father's honor. He explains why they should not rebel against this decision. He is gone for 14 years. I can use this to show how honorable he is. He could have just stayed and overthrown them and taken over but he decided to do the right thing an leave. 

Section 4
Ravana appears to Sita in disguise. Sita was left alone while Rama hunted a deer and his brother was fooled by Ravana. He let out cries of help so Rama's brother went to go help Rama. He approaches her and starts sweet talking her and then reveals who he and why he is there. He tells her of his castle and his love for her and she rejects him. I can add some details on how Sita was captured for my stories. I like that the bad guy was in disguise here. I can use that and maybe twist up the details to make the disguise different or have him not reveal his identity until later. 

Photo information: Rama and Sita

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part B

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine HodgsonSource

Council of Evil Beings
This part of the story focuses on Ravana and his decision to fight Rama or just release Sita to him. All of his council members, except one, agreed that if they fought Rama they would win. Ravana's younger brother was the one person who recommended that they just give Sita up. In the end the decision is made to fight Rama. I may use this to show how Ravana acted out of pride and will lose because of this.

Approach of the Monkeys
As the monkey army approached Lanka Ravana sent spies into their camp. They were discovered and released by Rama. Ravana sent more spies in and Rama released them too. He treated them all as messengers and made sure no harm came to them even though they were enemies. This shows a kind and compassionate side to Rama.

The Great Battle
Rama and Sugriva are badly injured and need healing. Hanuman goes and retrieves some medicinal herbs to heal them. Once healed they begin to battle again. Rama faces Ravana and slays him. He is reunited with Sita and they depart from Lanka. Rama went to any and all lengths to rescue his beloved Sita. I like this because he is fighting for someone else and not just himself.

Photo Info: Rama fighting Ravana

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part A

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine Hodgson

Youth and marriage of Rama
I like the story about him helping the priest Vishwamitra. He was young and this could be a good backstory for the hero. Giving details on how he killed the two demons with his bow. He also wins Sita in this story. He strings a bow that was near impossible to string and won her hand in marriage. They fell deeply in love. This could be a good start to a story about Rama.

Rama loses his inheritance. 
This is the part of the story where Rama loses his throne and gets banished. His father, the king, owed two boons to someone and she took them. She demanded her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama leaves like is commanded even though some people want him to stay. He upholds his father's wishes and departs from the palace. This shows he has honor and bravery. 

Vali's Death
Rama helps Sugriva take back his kingdom from his older brother Vali. The two brothers fight twice and the second fight Rama interferes and shoots Vali with his bow. The scene was described in vivid detail. I could picture the scene in my head as I was reading the story. I may have Rama change weapons in my story. Maybe a more modern day weapon instead of a bow. 
Photo Information: Bow and Arrow