Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Reading Notes Part A: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 1
In this part of the story Rama is created to defeat Ravana. It then shows him growing up a bit then gets to the part where he wins Sita as his wife. I have used this part of the story before and I may come back to it to help get all the character details I need for Rama. 

Section 2

Rama is going to be made king but something happens preventing this. The king owed two boons to Kaikeyi and she demanded that her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama left to uphold his father's honor. He explains why they should not rebel against this decision. He is gone for 14 years. I can use this to show how honorable he is. He could have just stayed and overthrown them and taken over but he decided to do the right thing an leave. 

Section 4
Ravana appears to Sita in disguise. Sita was left alone while Rama hunted a deer and his brother was fooled by Ravana. He let out cries of help so Rama's brother went to go help Rama. He approaches her and starts sweet talking her and then reveals who he and why he is there. He tells her of his castle and his love for her and she rejects him. I can add some details on how Sita was captured for my stories. I like that the bad guy was in disguise here. I can use that and maybe twist up the details to make the disguise different or have him not reveal his identity until later. 

Photo information: Rama and Sita

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