Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part B

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine HodgsonSource

Council of Evil Beings
This part of the story focuses on Ravana and his decision to fight Rama or just release Sita to him. All of his council members, except one, agreed that if they fought Rama they would win. Ravana's younger brother was the one person who recommended that they just give Sita up. In the end the decision is made to fight Rama. I may use this to show how Ravana acted out of pride and will lose because of this.

Approach of the Monkeys
As the monkey army approached Lanka Ravana sent spies into their camp. They were discovered and released by Rama. Ravana sent more spies in and Rama released them too. He treated them all as messengers and made sure no harm came to them even though they were enemies. This shows a kind and compassionate side to Rama.

The Great Battle
Rama and Sugriva are badly injured and need healing. Hanuman goes and retrieves some medicinal herbs to heal them. Once healed they begin to battle again. Rama faces Ravana and slays him. He is reunited with Sita and they depart from Lanka. Rama went to any and all lengths to rescue his beloved Sita. I like this because he is fighting for someone else and not just himself.

Photo Info: Rama fighting Ravana

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