Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part A

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine Hodgson

Youth and marriage of Rama
I like the story about him helping the priest Vishwamitra. He was young and this could be a good backstory for the hero. Giving details on how he killed the two demons with his bow. He also wins Sita in this story. He strings a bow that was near impossible to string and won her hand in marriage. They fell deeply in love. This could be a good start to a story about Rama.

Rama loses his inheritance. 
This is the part of the story where Rama loses his throne and gets banished. His father, the king, owed two boons to someone and she took them. She demanded her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama leaves like is commanded even though some people want him to stay. He upholds his father's wishes and departs from the palace. This shows he has honor and bravery. 

Vali's Death
Rama helps Sugriva take back his kingdom from his older brother Vali. The two brothers fight twice and the second fight Rama interferes and shoots Vali with his bow. The scene was described in vivid detail. I could picture the scene in my head as I was reading the story. I may have Rama change weapons in my story. Maybe a more modern day weapon instead of a bow. 
Photo Information: Bow and Arrow

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