Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Reading Notes Wilson;s Ramayana Part B

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Sections 9 and 10
The battle has started and the monkeys seem to be winning. Rama and his brother face one of the generals and the general showered them with arrows. This severely wounded Rama and his brother but they were healed a bit later. They could continue the fight. Ravana decided to wake up his brother, who was a giant. It was a difficult task waking him up but once they did he ate and then fought. He was killed by Rama.

Section 11 and 12
The fighting continues until Ravana shows up to fight Rama. He is on a black chariot and the Gods evened it out by sending Rama a chariot. They begin the epic fight and Rama tears off one of his heads but it grows back. He then shoots him in the heart with an arrrow and kills Ravana. I think I will change the weapons that he uses in my story.

Section 13
Rama was so happy to find Sita but he made her go through a purity test. He did not want to but was pressured by others. She went into the flames and came out without burns because she was carried out by the God of fire. She had remained faithful to Rama. They lived out the rest of the exile and returned home to live together.

Photo Information- Kumbhakarna

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