Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Wilson's Ramayana Part A

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Section 1 and 2
Rama wins Sita's hand in marriage by breaking an unbendable bow. He and Sita fall deeply in love. There were good times ahead but that did not last too long. For Rama lost his claim to the throne and was exiled from his kingdom.  

Section 3 and 4 
Still in exile they build a home for themselves and are happy. Bharata wants Rama to come back and lead their people but Rama refuses. He will live out his exile and return when it is over. One day they were attacked by giants and Rama fought them all off. He defeated them all but one escaped to talk to Ravana. 

Section 5 and 6
Sita is captured by Ravana, who approached her in disguise. Rama then tries to seek her out. He comes across Hanuman and he tells them of his leader Sugriva. Sugriva agrees to help find and rescue Sita once he has reclaimed his throne from his older brother. Rama helps him defeat his brother and they take back the kingdom and start the search for Sita.

Section 7 and 8
Hanuman finds Sita in Lanka and wants to rescue her. He cannot and gets captured. As an envoy they do not kill him but they light his tail on fire instead. Hanuman escapes and uses this to burn down half of Lanka as he runs through the city. He returns to Rama with a gift from Sita and they have to find a way to cross the ocean. 

Photo Information: Hanuman Carrying a mountain 

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