Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Reading Notes Part B: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 4
This is the point where Ravana captures Sita. A brave vulture tries to free Sita as Ravana flew away with her but he could not defeat him. He tells Rama who took her and where to find him. They would have to cross an ocean. Rama struggles with the loss of Sita and is willing to do anything to get her back. I like how he is devoted to one person.

Section 5
Rama comes back to find Sita missing. He and his brother argue for a bit on whose fault it is. That's when they find the vulture and he tells them what happened to Sita. Rama also meets Hanuman and Sugriva here. He helps them take back Sugriva's kingdom and then Sugriva will help find and rescue Sita.

Section 6
They cross the sea to find Ravana and defeat him. They build a bridge across the ocean and then attack Lanka. Rama ends up slaying Ravana and rescuing Sita. He then tests her loyalty to him. She was loyal and stepped out of the fire unharmed. Rama was overjoyed to see her again. This can be used to make a happy ending for my story or I ca make a twist and have the ending go sour. Not quite sure what  I want to do yet.

Photo Information- Ravana statue

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