Thursday, March 30, 2017

Story Planning: Bhima saves Draupadi

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic. I will be using this to finish off my story about Bhima. His character cares about his family's safety and he will have that same trait in my story.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family. He gets revenge on the person who offended his family. He upheld his vow of revenge which is a bit dark for a hero so I am tweak these events around in my story.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength. He also gets revenge here, so I may have this happen differently as well. I may just have Bhima break his leg, like he promised, then they just take the wounded man to prison.

Bhima- Wikipedia
I went to Wikipedia to learn more about Bhima. I did not realize how much education and training he went through. Later in his life he has a 13 day battle with someone. Adding this knew knowledge about him makes it easier to describe Bhima in more detail. I am going to start reading the Ramayana next week and I will be focusing in on Hanuman. I may try to incorporate Bhima and Hanuman together in a story.

Photo info- Bhima vs Duryodhana


  1. Ryan,
    I read your story planning for this week and I like how you had descriptions of all of the main events. I have not read the same source you did but just reading the descriptions you wrote gave a good sense of what was going on. Do you have any ideas so far on what you want to do for your story based on this planning?

  2. Ryan, good story planning. I love that you are focusing on Bhima! He was my favorite because of how much he loved and stood up for his family. I think your story will turn out pretty good! I also like that you are tweaking the story where Bhima beheads and drinks a person’s blood. That kind of makes you look at him like he is a monster more than a hero. I can’t wait to read your finished product!

  3. You've got a pretty cool story idea! The tales of Bhima in the mahabharata were some of my favorite when I read about them. I think it would be awesome if you wrote your story about Bhima and duryodanha fighting. The source I read didn't have much detail but you could fluff up the story to become some epic battle!
