Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Readin Notes: Mahabharata part B

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength.

Photo information: Duryodhana's in the lake

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