Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Reflections

I looked back over my reading notes and found a few of my favorite stories but my overall favorite to read and write about was a story in the Ramayana. The battle between Rama and Ravana is my favorite story. The action and drama in the story made the story easy to read and it was entertaining throughout. I liked looking back at my reading notes. Helped me remember everything we had been reading this semester. My notes were simple but they had enough detail to them that I could remember what the stories I read were about. Since I have already read the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, I think I will pick the stories about Krishna or I will watch the video stories. I have not watched a video story this semester yet so I may try it out. I actually enjoyed writing my stories this semester. I have always thought of myself as a bad writer but looking over my stories shows my improvements each week. I think they all get better as I was writing again more frequently. Adapting new writing styles and learning from others comments on how I should be shaping my stories. I am also doing a storybook this semester and I am excited about it. I have a plan for the stories for my storybook and my hope is that they will all flow smoothly together. I think I will redesign the page soon though to match what I want it to look like. When I read other people's stories I often find myself amazed at how well other people can write. My skill level in writing is not the highest so it is nice to read something that is done by a better writer than myself. It helps me to study their writing style a bit and then add it to my own.
Photo Information-  Motivational Quote

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