Thursday, March 30, 2017

Story Planning: Bhima saves Draupadi

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic. I will be using this to finish off my story about Bhima. His character cares about his family's safety and he will have that same trait in my story.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family. He gets revenge on the person who offended his family. He upheld his vow of revenge which is a bit dark for a hero so I am tweak these events around in my story.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength. He also gets revenge here, so I may have this happen differently as well. I may just have Bhima break his leg, like he promised, then they just take the wounded man to prison.

Bhima- Wikipedia
I went to Wikipedia to learn more about Bhima. I did not realize how much education and training he went through. Later in his life he has a 13 day battle with someone. Adding this knew knowledge about him makes it easier to describe Bhima in more detail. I am going to start reading the Ramayana next week and I will be focusing in on Hanuman. I may try to incorporate Bhima and Hanuman together in a story.

Photo info- Bhima vs Duryodhana

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Readin Notes: Mahabharata part B

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength.

Photo information: Duryodhana's in the lake

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Storytelling: Bhima the Mighty

After escaping from people that wanted them dead, Bhima and his family continued away from the city into a nearby mountain range. They traveled far away to be sure they were safe. The trip had exhausted the mother of the Panadva brothers. She told them that she needed rest. They found a cave and she asked Bhima to fetch her some water. He left the cave to find water for her and shortly after he left his mom and brothers fell asleep. He did not have to venture far to find the water. He returned soon and saw his family sleeping so he watched over them. They would be glad he did so because not far away was the demon Hidimba. He despised humans and sent his sister to lure the family to him so he could kill them. When she found the family she saw Bhima and immediately fell in love. She was so captivated by his looks that she knew she could not lead them back to her brother so that he could kill them. She decided to warn him instead of listening to her brother. Hidimba was getting impatient so he decided to go find them. He arrived to find his sister talking to Bhima and he was furious. He vowed to slay Bhima where he stood. What he did not know however was that Bhima had amazing strength and was incredibly fast. Bhima looked his foe in the eye and knew a fight was about to ensue. Hidimba dashed forward with incredible speed but he was not fast enough. Bhima quickly dodged and punched him in the stomach. That sent him flying backwards into a tree. Bhima ran towards him and started to throw punches so hard that the tree broke in half. Bhima drew his sword as the demon started to get up and Bhima preceded to behead the evil demon. The sister was sad so she decided to bury her dead brother. Soon after the battle the family left the forest and the demon’s sister behind. They entered the outskirts of Dubai looking for shelter but they ended up finding trouble.

They ran into a gang leader demanding a new citizen tax on them. Not having any money, Bhima and his family refused to pay Baka. Baka then told them to leave town or he and his gang would end their lives. Bhima was furious with the gang leader. He was enraged that someone would threaten his family. He drew his swords and prepared to defend his family. The gang members surrounded Bhima but he jumped over the men and then ran towards the leader. More men stepped in front of his path and Bhima barreled through them then with a swift strike he cleaved the gang leader in two. After seeing their leader fall to the ground in two pieces the gang members ran away terrified. At that moment he saw a giant mushroom cloud of sand rise over the desert. He decided to investigate while his family found a place to stay. 

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

Author's Notes-
I used the story about Bhima fighting Hidimba and Baka. I skipped the part about him leaving for awhile with the demon's sister. I also changed details of where the family ran off to and the cities they were in. I wanted to make a back story for Bhima for my storybook while staying accurate to the Mahabharata. This will describe his character more in depth and will give him some more character development.

Photo info- Bhima fighting Baka

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part A

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid
Photo Info- Bhima and Baka

The Princes of Elephant
The brothers are going to be assassinated by fire but they smell the oil and pac oon the building and make an escape tunnel. The place is burned down and 6 drunken people get killed and people think it is the Pandava brothers. They escaped into the forest. I may use this at the beginning of my story about Bhima.

Hidimba and Baka
Bhima fights both of them in this story. This is the main part of the story I want to focus on. I want to use this story about Bhima for my storybook. I will use this as his background story leading up the the final part. I am excited to start writing about him.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Looking back on my week one growth mindset and reflecting on my progress this semester makes me feel a bit better about myself. I am working harder than before and my work seems to be improving as I continue with this semester. I still have a problem with procrastination and I am constantly trying to work on that. One of my strengths is my willingness to take on a new challenge or task that is given to me. I love learning about new things and expanding my knowledge by completing new challenges. I do however have a tendency to choose what is easy though. If it means less work for me then I would take that option. I find it hard for myself to stay focused on one task. Not just for school but for work and my everyday life as well. I am constantly thinking about multiple things and looking forward to the next task instead of just focusing and finishing what I am already doing. Writing so much this semester and having due dates for everything has helped me become more organized and a better planner. I plan out my week every Sunday and plan out everything I need to do for the week. This has helped me stay on track with classes. I plan on using my improved planning skills to help me finish out the rest of this semester.
Photo Info- Motivational Quote

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Reflections

I looked back over my reading notes and found a few of my favorite stories but my overall favorite to read and write about was a story in the Ramayana. The battle between Rama and Ravana is my favorite story. The action and drama in the story made the story easy to read and it was entertaining throughout. I liked looking back at my reading notes. Helped me remember everything we had been reading this semester. My notes were simple but they had enough detail to them that I could remember what the stories I read were about. Since I have already read the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, I think I will pick the stories about Krishna or I will watch the video stories. I have not watched a video story this semester yet so I may try it out. I actually enjoyed writing my stories this semester. I have always thought of myself as a bad writer but looking over my stories shows my improvements each week. I think they all get better as I was writing again more frequently. Adapting new writing styles and learning from others comments on how I should be shaping my stories. I am also doing a storybook this semester and I am excited about it. I have a plan for the stories for my storybook and my hope is that they will all flow smoothly together. I think I will redesign the page soon though to match what I want it to look like. When I read other people's stories I often find myself amazed at how well other people can write. My skill level in writing is not the highest so it is nice to read something that is done by a better writer than myself. It helps me to study their writing style a bit and then add it to my own.
Photo Information-  Motivational Quote

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Story Planning: Don't Make Him Angry

Mahabharata by C.A. Kincaid

Hidimba and Baka

I think I am going to incorporate this story into my storybook. Bhima fights two demons in this story and can really develop his character in my storybook. I like that he stays awake when his family is sleeping. He watches over them making sure they are all safe. A female demon approaches Bhima and his family with the intent of killing them. She was sent by her brother and once she arrived she fell in love with Bhima and does not kill them but instead warns them about her brother who will kill them now. Bhima fights him and defeats him. After he does that he goes away for a bit of time and has a kid with the female demon. He returns to find his family in a village ruled by an evil demon and he slays him too. I will try to incorporate this story into my storybook about Bhima.

The Winning of Draupadi

I may add this into my story about Bhima. Arjuna is focused on here but Bhima steps in to help save him and throws someone over the arena walls and they land safely. Seeing this people stop fighting. This will show how much respect people have or how fearful they are of Bhima's strength. Arjuna wins a bride but his mother said she should share whatever he won and he did. All the brothers married Draupadi and loved her very much. I liked this story but I am going to focus more on Bhima.

He gambles away himself and his entire family but ends up getting everything back because of Draupadi. Some people take her and try to strip her but their was divine interference.This angers Bhima and he vows to kill the person who did that to her. This is a bit violent for a hero type but he will be a good guy. One of the brother's loses his life and gambles his brother's lives away. They become slaves but are then set free by a king. Arjuna then gambles again and loses and his family is exiled. They were exiled for twelve years and would have to be in disguise for the thirteenth year. I can make the Arjuna make a similar big mistake where he loses everything. I may relate it to modern times and have him lose a business or something like that.

This page was a bout Bhima. I learned more about his character from this site the story so far so it helps add details about him in my stories. I think I am going to make next week's story be about the first one where he fights two demons. That will make it more interesting and give some character development for my storybook.

Photo Information- Hidimba and Bhima 

Reading Notes: Kincaid Mahabharata Part B

C. A. Kincaid Mahabharata

The Year of Disguise
The brothers have spent their twelve years in exile and are now spending the thirteenth in disguise. I liked how they took on new identities to go into civilization again. Bhima intervenes with a man who wants to sleep with Draupadi and he crushes him into a ball. I could use the last part in a story to show how strong Bhima is.

The Great Battle
There is a large battle between the brothers and another army. The brother's win the main battle and Bhima fulfills his promise to kill and dink a certain man's blood. He comes across him on the battlefield and slays him. This could show how brutal and unforgiving Bhima is when you cross him.

Duryodhana's Death
The battle continues and the enemy comes in at night and wipes out the brother's army. Bhima was able to fulfill his other promise and broke and enemy's leg and then left him there. This part of the story adds almost the same character development, as the previous story, to Bhima's character. I may use these qualities to shape how his character acts in my story.

Image Information- Duryodhana in the water