Monday, January 23, 2017

Growth Mindset

I had not heard of Carol Dweck before this class but I am glad that I did. She is very motivational in her talks. I especially liked the talk about the power of yet. How it helps students understand that they are not failing but are just a bit behind in what they should know. Which that can be discouraging as well but it is much better than failing a course. A grade of not yet feels better than a failing grade. Also they had programs around math that instead of rewarding for correct answers, it rewarded the students for completing the process of the math itself correctly. Which can lead to more confidence gained when getting a small step correct and moving on to the next. At least those things would help me, I usually get super discouraged when having done something wrong or when receiving a bad grade. I look forward to learning more about the growth and mindset and applying to my last semester at OU.
Image info- Motivational quote from twitter
Source Twitter


  1. Ryan,
    I wish that my son’s high school Algebra II class believed in the Growth mind set you wrote about instead of grading for correct answers. I can definitely agree how recognizing that they got a step correct can help their confidence so they are better equipped and feel ready to tackle the next one instead of just looking at the grade as a whole. I too get discouraged when I don’t earn a good grade and tend to beat myself up about it. I will have to read more about Carol Dweck to see if I can get inspired also!

  2. Ryan,
    One of things that we learn while in school is that failing is an awful thing that you should strive not to do. For example, if you fail a class it often puts your behind and you have to retake it. I think one important thing for students to learn is that the will fail in the real world and this is what helps them grow.
