Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Week 1 Story: The Studious Girl and the Lazy Boy.

        There were two friends in their freshmen year at a college in Oklahoma and they both had a big exam coming within the next week. Lauren had started studying already and was preparing for the exam in her free time. Grayson however had planned on studying only a couple days before the exam. It was going to be on a Monday so he figured that he would have enough time to study during the weekend. Well as the week went on Lauren kept studying and reviewing while Grayson played video games and watched Netflix in his spare time. Lauren tried talking to Grayson about studying more for his exam but he just ignored her and kept goofing off. The weekend before the test arrived and Grayson decided that it was time to start studying but on Saturday afternoon his friends, including Lauren, were going out to see the new Star Wars movie. He knew he needed to stay home and study more than he already had been but he went to the movie anyway. He figured if Lauren could go he could too. After the movie the group wanted to go out to dinner as well. Again Grayson thought about going back home to study but decided to go with them to dinner anyway. After dinner he went home and was not feeling well but decided to study for an hour before going to bed. He woke up at about three in the morning that night because he had gotten food poisoning from the restaurant. He was up for a few hours, he felt awful and had to throw up every 30 minutes or so. He eventually got back to sleep and woke up the next day around noon to study. He was extremely tired the next day and still didn’t feel very good but he tried to study the best he could for the upcoming exam. The morning of the exam arrived and Grayson was not as prepared as he needed to be but he thought he could manage. Lauren and Grayson took their exams and received their scores the following Monday. Lauren had made an A while Grayson made a C. Grayson knew the next time he would have to prepare in advance like Lauren did to get the grade he wanted.
Flickr posted by collegedegrees360- Confused flickr

Author's note: I started with the fable The Ant and the Grasshopper. This story is about an ant who is working hard for his colony to supply food for the winter. The grasshopper questions the ant about this and the ant tells him that he too should be stocking up for winter. The grasshopper does not listen and thinks since there is plenty of food now and that winter is far away he will be fine. Well as winter came the grasshopper had no food and the ant did. I took this story and applied to my own life relating it to the problem of procrastination. Many students, including myself, like to put things off until the very last minute and as we can see from this story, that is not a good idea. 

Bibliography: "The Ant and the Grasshopper" From Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs  Link to Story


  1. Wow. You did a great job on this. This is a very creative way to tie it into our lives as students. I think it is very smart and creative. In a way, I think this is college in a nut shell! I wish I would have thought to do something a little more like this when I did my story.

  2. Ironically I did something similar my sophomore year for a test. Rather than studying I procrastinated for a week, went to a midnight premiere of the Hobbit the Desolation of Smaug in Still water, drove back to Norman, slept for 40 minutes and than took a Music education test. I did terrible. I learned my lesson though.

  3. I must say that I definitely relate more to Grayson than I do Lauren, haha. As somebody who usually procrastinates (not so much as I used to), I must say that I found this story very enjoyable. It seems that every time I'm not proactive, something comes up that conflicts with the time that I had previously set aside for studying, much like what happened to Grayson. I like how you added that Laurne kept reminding Grayson that he should be studying. This puts an even greater emphasis on that fact that in the back of his head, he knew he should be studying. My favorite part of the story was Grayson getting food poisoning. Not that I think it's funny or anything, but it's sort of like karma for him haha. Hopefully I don't get food poisoning next time I procrastinate!
