Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Introduction to Soonerman

I am Ryan and am a super senior here at OU. The almost five years I have been here have been amazing. I grew up in Claremore, Oklahoma, the town is about twenty miles north-east of Tulsa.  I will be graduating in May. I am very excited to start my career in Cardiac Rehabilitation. I am also a huge nerd. I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pokémon and pretty much anything Nintendo, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and much more. Star Wars is my favorite out of all of them though. I have seen Rogue One twice already, I recommend seeing it if you haven’t already. My favorite Star Wars movie is either Episode three or four. Both are excellent in my opinion. I love reading as well. I’ve read a lot of books but my favorite series of books is either the Harry Potter collection or the Eragon books. My favorite television show on right now is The Flash but my all-time favorite is Friends. I have Friends on in a constant loop on Netflix. Whenever I finish all ten seasons, I just start them over again. I also love football, especially OU football. I have never missed a home game and been to many away games as well. This past season I dressed up for all the games in my OU morph suit. I am Soonerman. I went to the Sugar Bowl too and that game was awesome! I also love playing video games in my spare time. I love playing Pokémon and my favorite Pokémon game would have to be either Emerald or Soul Silver. Some of my favorite types of food are Mexican and Italian but my two favorite foods are cheeseburgers and steaks. I could eat a cheeseburger every day and not get tired of them but I don’t do that because I would have a heart attack by the age of thirty, might be worth it though. I am also a cat person, I love dogs too but I cats are my favorite pet out of the two. Favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough. 
                                                               BOOMER SOONER
Image information: personal photo of me from January 2017


  1. Hi Ryan, it is nice to meet you. I have definitely seen you before at games! I am the same way with Friends! It drives everyone else around me crazy. They don’t understand how I can watch the same thing over and over again! They just don’t understand haha. I like to watch it because I have seen it many times and don’t need to devote all of my attention to it so I can be doing other things while I am watching it.

  2. We have a lot in common. LOTR is my favorite movie and book series. I attended all midnight premiers of the Hobbit trilogy. I was once at Music Major, so I attended all the games in 2012 as a pride member; tuba to be exact. I am also a huge fan of the Pokemon series, although my favorite game is Pokemon White version. I am also a big Nintendo fan, as well as Microsoft and PC.

  3. Oh my gosh, you really are Soonerman, Ryan: what a great picture! And I hope you will like meeting all kinds of new amazing heroes and fantastic creatures in the Indian Epics. If you like the Eragon books, maybe you will want to learn about the amazing Nagas who are part of Indian mythology, which would include the cosmic serpent Shesha — the god you see resting there on Shesha is Vishnu, and his avatar, Rama, is the hero of the Ramayana. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy exploring the Indian worlds of heroic adventure, and I am will be curious to see what connections you find to the heroes and stories you already know!

  4. Ryan,
    It is so nice to meet you! First, I LOVE FRIENDS! It is one of my favorite TV show series. "We were on a break!" - Ross LOL. I am not a big Star Wars fan but I have seen Rouge 1 and it was good. I on the other hand am not a big sports person either. I think in my three years of being at OU I have went to two football games. However, I love your passion for it. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and like to re watch the movies every chance I get! If I had to pick between a cat and a dog, I would choose a horse. Haha, my all-time favorite animal is a horse, but I would choose a cat as well. I think the reason being is because I really like dogs but I do not like to be licked. It was great getting to know, and I hope to read more of your interesting stories! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Ryan,
    I am not going to lie, the minuet I saw Harry Potter in your bio, I knew most of my post would be about that! Like you, I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I am excited to see how your love of Star Wars and Harry Potter get woven into your story! I love when people are able to take movies and give a new spin on them! I think utilizing your love of movies and books in this class will be a great way to get inspiration for your stories! You should try to do an India version of Friends! I am excited to read your stories this semester and hopefully they will contain some Star Wars or Harry Potter characters!

  6. Ryan, I'm graduating in May too! I'm pretty excited. Harry Potter is one of my all time favorite series by far! I also love Friends! It is my mom's favorite show so I've watched it quite a bit. I'm a HUGE OU football fan too! I'm also a cat person (I have one at home) and that's my favorite flavor of ice cream too! (except I really really like Braum's chocolate chip and Chick-fil-a's cookies and cream shake). Thanks for sharing!

  7. Nice to meet you Ryan! Congratulations on graduating soon! I am supposed to graduate in May as well and I am super excited! Your major sounds interesting- I have never heard of it before. I like some of the same geeky stuff as you. I never got into pokemon as a kid, but my friends are making fun of me now for being one of the only people that is still playing it. I look forward to reading your stories- I saw a pokemon inspired post for week 4 so I am going to check that out now!

  8. Hi Ryan. First want to say that I was at the Sugar Bowl and I most certainly saw you in your OU morph suit! Such dedication! That is so awesome that you have not missed a home game! I hope that you are able to keep up the tradition once you graduate! I have not seen the new Star Wars movie but I have heard that it is really great! I am glad that you like it.
    Also, cat people are the best people in my opinion!
    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Ryan. I am jealous of your times at OU football games, though being at OU for four years, I was only able to get season tickets for one year. That year was pretty dang amazing. I loved getting to see the games, though, it was one of our worst seasons... I love starwars as well, they are the most amazing films ever. Episode four is my favorite episode. George Lucas is one of my heroes.

  10. Nice to meet you, Ryan! You seem really great. We share a love for Star Wars and OU football! I used to play pokemon (LeafGreen) on my game boy when I was younger, but now I don't have as much time for it as I'd like! I look forward to reading more of your blog. Take care!

  11. Ha, wow, your Soonerman costume is awesome. I’ve never had much school spirit anywhere I’ve gone, but I think that just makes me appreciate yours even more. Also, I’ve never seen Star Wars or Friends (I know, I know, shame on me—I’ve totally got to fix that), but I’m totally with you on Harry Potter; I’m actually due for a reread soon. Good luck with the rest of the semester, and congrats on your upcoming graduation! Cardiac Rehabilitation sounds really rad.

  12. First off, lets clear the air by addressing my lack of knowledge for anything Starwars.. or sci fi or fantasy.. I am about as boring as they come and I don't care for cats..

    BUT I love OU football and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.. so we can manage to see past the other offenses I am sure. It is awesome that you get to graduate soon, and that you have loved and made the most of your time here at OU. Props to you!! It is nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading your stories.

  13. Ryan, it is amazing that you are such a big supporter of our college football and I like your costume. Very unique! What inspired you to want to get a career in cardiac rehab? Ooo.. I love to eat steaks and actually had it over the weekend. :-) Where in Norman is your favorite place to get a steak?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ryan, it's so nice to meet you again. I'm pretty confident we worked in the OU Athletics Department together. I really look forward to reading one of your stories. Also,you stated that you love football and have never missed a home game. This shows that you are truly an avid Sooner fan, because there have been some freezing cold game days. I love Sooner football as well. I was lucky enough to be raise by my father who played on the 1985 National Championship team for OU football. How cool is that?! I love hearing the stories and going to games with him even now.

  16. Hi Ryan, it was nice to read your introduction! My name is also Ryan and I was born in raised in Tulsa! I am also pretty nerdy so I like a lot of the same things that you posted in your introduction. I also really love Mexican food…. Kind of freaky how much we have in common. Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  17. WOW. I think it is awesome you have never missed an OU game. That takes some serious dedication and in a way I can understand that but on a different level. I am a huge patriots fan, whether you see them at cheaters or not, they are my team and I never miss them when they are on. I somehow always find a way to watch them. Have a great year. I wish you well when you graduate!

  18. Nice to meet you Ryan! I am a super senior too! It’s way more common than people know actually. Nothing wrong with being a nerd! There are tons of us out in the world! The Flash is a great series! If you like it you should check out Legends of tomorrow! Dude you are famous! How awesome is that! I hope you have a great last semester Soonerman!
