Monday, January 23, 2017

Time Strategies

I read the article The Important habit of just starting. I am a huge procrastinator and this article has helped me focus on what I am doing wrong and how I can correct those mistakes. I am a full time student and work full time so I am constantly doing something. Making a schedule will help me plan my semester out accordingly and help make sure that I stay on track and not get behind.
Image info- Stop Procrastinating


  1. Making a schedule is highly important! It helps you keep up with things and stay on track with them. I have a planner, as well as, reminders in my phone, and a calendar hung up in my room. I use all three of these tools to help me stay on top of everything. I think I would be a mess without them. I hope making a schedule or having some sort of planner is helping you not procrastinate as much!

  2. Creating a schedule seems like a really great idea! It allows you to see everything that you have to do during the day. It also feels nice when you are able to cross something off of a to-do list! I too have an issue with procrastination. It is so easy to do other things when you don’t want to complete an assignment. Your idea of just starting is a great idea. Hopefully the lists will work out for you!
