Thursday, January 19, 2017

Storybook Favorites

Brother’s in the Animal Kingdom is about two brothers who are vultures. One of them gets hurt really badly while savings his brother’s life. They write a letter to their old counselor who reads it to his family. He is reading to his sons to teach them a lesson about the bond brothers should have. He also reads a letter from two monkeys. In this one the monkey is describing his brotherly relationship to his best friend and how his friend and his brother do not get along. He even goes on to try and save his best friend’s wife from the evil brother. The title does a good job of letting the reader know what the story will be about and the introduction leads into the stories very well. The layout was very easy to follow, there was a single click link to each story on the side of the page. Making it very simple to find each one. 
Animal Kingdom Brothers
Image info- Turkey vultures
Source- Vultures

Animal tales From India to Oklahoma is about an immortal squirrel telling Indian epics to anyone who would listen in the state of Oklahoma. He received his immortality because he saved his parents from a fire but he died in the process. Brahma gave him immortality in exchange for his good deed and the promise that the squirrel would tell Indian epics to the people of Oklahoma. He settled down on a university and tells his stories to students who pass by him each day. The introduction caught my attention because the squirrel tells his backstory and leads into him telling Indian stories to the reader. The backstory itself was interesting enough to make me want more. The layout was very similar to the first group of stories I read and it was very simple to follow. 
Immortal Squirrel
Image Information- Jambavan 

             Enchanted Museum is a story about the God's of India and the museum they are in. The museum care taker invites people to come the the museum at night because all the statues and artifacts come to life. They statues themselves tell their stories to the visitors. This was well put together and the introduction got my attention because it reminded me of a movie that I had seen a long time ago. The format could use some work it was difficult to read the purple font color in one of the stories but the the layout was done very well. Everything was easy to access and just on click to go to the next story.

Image info- Ganesha
Web source- Total Bahki

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