Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feedback Focus

Reading out loud

This focusing technique worked best for me. I find it hard to read sometimes because my mind always wanders when reading. I will read a sentence that makes me think of something I have done or seen and I space out for a bit. This technique helps eliminate that from happening. Saying the words aloud really helps me focus on what I am reading. One of the downsides to this is that it takes longer to read stories this way. I would take the loss of time for this method though. It really helps me concentrate on the reading.

Copy and delete

This method worked well for me too. The process of only reading a paragraph at a time made the story much easier to focus on. Making the comments about each section was helpful as well. When I was done reading a paragraph I made notes about them. At the end of the story I had written about my favorite character and what they had been doing throughout the story. This helped me better recollect what was in the story and what I liked about each part. This can help me leave more detailed comments on stories.

Use a timer

I liked this method as well. I loved that I was only doing something for ten minutes. It was very easy to read the story in the allotted time. I actually read it twice because I read through it fast the first time because I knew I was being timed. That rushed feeling did not help me focus much but going through and reading the story for the second time really helped me focus on the details so overall this was helpful to me.
Image info- Focusing intently 

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