Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana Part D

Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita

The monkey picks up a mountain and jumps over a sea with it. Not only is he powerful enough to jump across the sea, he can do it while holding a mountain. It is going to be funny to add that much strength to my characters. 

Photo information: Hanuman holding a mountain
Source- Hanuman Photo

Ravana's son Indrajit tricks Rama for a short time and then Vibhishan reveals what actually happened to him. This part of the story will be a great addition to what I want to do with my story.

The battle between these two will make a great climax to the story. The battle between, what seems to be, two of the strongest people in these stories. The battle was interesting and entertaining to read so it should be easy to do the same with my version of the story. 

Sita was rescued and her faith to Rama had to be tested. They do reunite which is why I am using the story. The hero wins the epic battle and gets the girl. I am excited to begin writing this weeks story. 

1 comment:

  1. I always like reading planning posts after I have read the story! Its fun to see how the story has changed and progressed! After reading your Star Wars story it would be cool to see you do another version this time with Rama versus Ravana as the main focus! I am interested to see what you will write next! Great job!
