Thursday, February 9, 2017

Storytelling: Saving Pikachu

               Ash is on his journey to become a Pokémon master. He has won many battles and trained hard to become the very best like no one ever was. He is traveling with Brock and his Pokémon. His favorite Pokémon he has is Pikachu. Pikachu was the first Pokémon ash received. They have a special bond that no one can break. They are best friends and will give everything they have in battle for one another. While traveling through Viridian forest catching Pokémon and training, he is approached by Professor Oak.  Oak tells him he is there to give him a gift for working hard on his pokedex. Ash looks with wonder at the new type of pokeball that Oak had presented to him. “It is a master ball” said Oak, “it will catch any Pokémon on the first try.” Ash was amazed and placed the master ball in his bag. Thanking Oak, he continued on his journey. A few days later Ash came across a shiny Pokémon called Diglett, shiny Pokémon are Pokémon that are a different color than what they are supposed to be, knowing that these are extremely rare he considered using the new master ball he had acquired but decided against that. The Diglett saw them and started to run away, Ash gave chase but left Pikachu behind with brock because electric type moves have no effect on a ground type Pokémon like Diglett. What they did not know was that the Diglett was a trap set by Jesse.
                Jesse had sent a Team Rocket member to distract ash with the shiny Pokémon. It was a Ditto that could transform into any Pokémon. The Diglett had went quite some distance before stopping. As Ash was ready to battle and catch the Diglett, it transformed back into a Ditto. Ash recognized the Ditto at once, knowing it was Jesse’s he rushed back to find Pikachu and Brock but it was too late. While he was chasing down the Diglett, Jesse had tricked Brock by imitating the voice of Ash and crying for help. Brock ran off to find his friend leaving Pikachu behind where it was safe. Jesse captured Pikachu and flew back to Team Rocket headquarters but Pikachu let out a cry and Ash looked up and saw Pikachu being taken by Jesse. He had to collect his strongest Pokémon for the upcoming battle. He traveled to the nearest Pokémon center to retrieve them. Once he did that, they set out towards Team Rocket’s base. Knowing the location of their base he began traveling there, with Brock, immediately.
                Jesse had returned to headquarters with Pikachu and everyone was thrilled to have such a strong Pokémon. The only downside to this was that Pikachu would not listen to anyone. Pikachu was loyal to Ash and only obeyed him. Jesse tried everything to coerce Pikachu into taking her commands but nothing worked. James knew that Pikachu would never listen to her and tried to convince Jesse to give Pikachu back. He knew that Ash would come to rescue Pikachu and that nothing would stop him. This made Jesse furious and she threw him out of headquarters. He then joined Ash and Brock and told them of a secret way into the Team Rocket base. They follow him and find Jesse and Pikachu. Ash sees Pikachu and know he will win for his best friend. Jesse knows how strong he is so she prepared for this. The battle was long and well fought each used their Pokémon flawlessly in battle but it came down to Charizard and Arbok. Charizard was the strongest Pokémon Ash had, besides Pikachu, and he took the Arbok down with ease. Jesse still had one trick up her sleeve though. Jesse explained that she had the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo under her control, although she had not caught him. They were using mind control to subdue this Pokémon. Mewtwo was too powerful for Charizard alone so thinking quickly Ash commanded Charizard to rush at Mewtwo using flamethrower. This distracted Mewtwo long enough for Ash to throw his master ball unnoticed. It hit Mewtwo and captured him, rendering Jesse defenseless. After defeating Jesse he freed Pikachu and they were happily reunited. Before leaving he made sure that James was in charge so that this would not happen again. Ash, with Pikachu by his side, continued on his journey to become Pokémon master.

Photo Information: Pikachu 


 The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould 

Author’s Notes:

My story is centered on the conflict between Rama (Ash) and Ravan (Jesse). Rama begins this story exiled from his kingdom and he Sita (Pikachu) are traveling through a forest. A deer appears and Sita wants his hide so Rama goes after it for her, leaving her in the care of Lakshmana (Brock). It was a trick though, the deer was a person in disguise to help distract Rama while Ravan captured Sita. He does and takes her to his kingdom. Rama finds out where she was taken and goes with an army (Pokemon team) to try and rescue Sita. Ravan gets angry at one of his brothers for advising him to just give Sita back to Rama. Ravan then throws Vibishan (James) from his council room and from that point Vibishan joins Rama. There is an epic battle between Rama and Ravan but in the end Rama wins the conflict and saves Sita. His exile is up at the end of this story and they return home. 


  1. Ryan, great story! I really like that you made a story using Pokemon (I never was super into Pokemon, but I did play Pokemon go a lot at first, like everyone else). As I read your story, I almost didn't realize the parallel with Ramayana except the part about when Jesse imitated Ash's voice. After reading your authors note though I now see how great you matched the story almost exactly. Awesome job!

  2. This story is great! It cracks me up that Pikachu is the equivalent of Sita in your version of the story. Is this based off a specific Pokémon episode? I thought I remembered seeing one where Pikachu was stolen by team rocket but I can't remember clearly. This was a very creative twist to put on the Ramayana! Good work!

  3. Hi Ryan. First off, I knew I would like your story from reading the title! Pikachu is so cute and a great character!
    I think you did a great job of making the story your own. You have a lot of knowledge on Pokemon and this showed as you assigned each character to a specific character in the Ramayana. I liked your style of writing. The author’s note helped after reading the story!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Ryan, I liked your story a lot. It was fun to see how the story related to one of the best video games of all time, though I don't remember much of it, the game was truly amazing, so seeing how you put the characters into the story of Rama it made it fun to read. I liked how you made Sita into a vision of Pikachu. Great story.

  5. I loved that you used Pokémon to write your story. I think the character development was also really good and added a good dynamic to it all. I loved that Pikachu was Sita because Rama does really love Sita like Ash loves Pikachu. One of my favorite parts is when the Pokémon team is willing to help Ash get Pikachu back! This was a great story, I loved how you brought it all back together and stuck to the original story.
