Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Reading Notes: Divine Archer by F. J. Gould Part 2

The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould

In chapter 8 Ravan meets with his council and throws one of his brothers, Vibishan, out of his home because he advised that Ravan should let Sita go and not fight Rama. Turns out that was the best choice but that is not what Ravan did. So his brother joins Rama and his army. I will incorporate the brother joining Rama in my story. I think I will change how this happens though. I will make it seem like the brother who left did so secretly instead of confronting Ravan like in the original story.

Chapter 9 was about the epic battle between Rama and Ravan and their armies. This battle has a happy ending and I will not change that for my story. The hero will win and rescue the girl. He does test Sita's faithfulness to him but that ends well too. At the end of this chapter his banishment is lifted and they return home.

In chapter 10 Rama becomes ruler and banishes Sita because of rumors that she was unfaithful to him while held captive by Ravan. She has twins that he does not know about until they come into the city. The end of this is a bit sad, Sita gets taken to the underworld by her own accord and this saddens Rama. I will make the ending a bit more tragic to evoke more feeling out of this part of the story.

Photo Information: Final Battle of Rama and Ravan

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