Thursday, February 2, 2017

Storytelling week 3: Obi Wan's Search for Satine


       Obi Wan Kenobi was traveling around his planet when one day he was approached by a clone trooper under Ahsoka Tano’s leadership and was asked to come talk to her. He obliged and they went on their way. Once they arrived at the base he was greeted warmly by his old friend Ahsoka. She then explains why she needed him, she was in a conflict with her brother Hamry. One day on their travels Ahsoka and Hamry came across a small cavern and Hamry decided to investigate. Ahsoka chose to stay outside the cave and wait for his return. About ten minutes later she hears a horrifying scream from the cave and yelled out for her brother. She received no response so she cautiously entered the cavern. As soon as she did she saw the beast that had slain her brother. The creature was five times her size with teeth and claws as long as her arms. Frightened she dashes out of the cave and seals the entrance by moving a boulder in front of the entrance, with the force, as well as creating an avalanche of rocks to cover that up, hoping to trap the beast. What she did not know was that Hamry was still alive. He then slayed the beast and escaped the cavern. Hamry believed that Ahsoka left him for dead in the cave to assume her place as Queen. She denied this but he was so angry with her that he would not listen so he banished her from the kingdom. She then asked Obi Wan if he would help defeat Hamry so she could return to her home. He agrees on the condition that she will help him find Satine once the conflict had been settled. They agree and both leave at once.
They arrive at the kingdom and the news that Ahsoka had returned traveled quickly. Hamry was enraged by this and sought to end the conflict between them. He went to the wall and commanded her to leave. She tried to explain her side of the story again but he would not hear it. He ignited his light saber and charged at Ahsoka. She dodges the initial attack then activates her light sabers as well. The battle commences and neither side was giving an inch, Hamry elegantly and swiftly attacking and Ahsoka parrying each blow but as the battle raged on Hamry was gaining the advantage. Ahsoka tried to attack and get on the offensive side of things but Hamry was just too powerful. She miscalculated her attack and was vulnerable. Hamry knew he had won but just as he started to swing his saber at her, another intervened. Obi Wan had blocked the attack at the last second. Hamry was furious and began to attack Obi Wan. Obi Wan countered every attack with ease and then began to go on the offensive. Hamry could not keep up with the swiftness of Obi Wan’s attacks and fell in battle.
After the battle Ahsoka assumes the throne and they have a grand feast for Obi Wan. They celebrate for a few days but Obi Wan grew restless and was ready to find and rescue Satine. He approached Ahsoka and asked her to fulfill her part of their agreement. She complies and sends four clone armies in each direction. The armies that traveled north, west and east found nothing but the troops that went south found out where Satine was. The southernmost army was disheartened at first because they had reached the sea and found nothing. They dared not go back emptied handed so they continued their search along the coast. Shaak Ti overhearing their concern approaches them. She said she saw General Grievous take Satine across the sea. Her brother was slain by Grievous when he tried to save Satine from his clutches. The clones report this back to Ahsoka and Obi Wan who immediately sent word for their troops to all head south. Obi Wan and Ahsoka both travel south and join the armies. They could not cross the sea at this time because the army who went north had not arrived yet. They had most of the ships because they had the furthest to travel on their previous mission. So they sent Anakin Skywalker alone to scout the area and find Satine.
When Anakin arrived he searched and searched but could not find Satine. He thought he had found her when he first arrived. He thought the Grievous’ wife was Sita but he knew, from what Obi Wan had told him, that Satine would remain loyal to Obi Wan so he knew that this could not be her. He then found her surrounded by assassin droids. He approached Satine and told her who he was and that he was here for Obi Wan. She was overjoyed that her love was on his way to rescue her. Anakin offered to save her then but she knew that they would never make it. She told him to give Obi Wan her bracelet as a sign that she was still alive. Anakin then returned back to Obi Wan with the gift and the news that Satine was still alive. By this time the extra ships had arrived and everyone boarding for the mission.
They arrive to Grievous’ kingdom and find Grievous’ droid army waiting for them. The battle commences and Obi Wan and the clones have the edge and are winning the battle. Until nightfall approaches and the droids heat vision takes full effect. They can easily see all the clone troops in the dark and start slaughtering them. Then Count Dooku throws a volley of rocks and boulders onto the battlefield gravely injuring Obi Wan and the other survivors. A dense fog covered the field when Yoda arrived. The cover disabled the droids heat vision and during that time Yoda healed all the troops including Obi Wan. Dooku sees this and in an attempt to demoralize them conjures up an image of Satine and stabs it in front of Obi Wan and the army. Before the agony swept in, Anakin told him of Grievous’ love for Satine and knew that he would not have ordered Dooku to slay her. Obi Wan rushes Dooku, killing hundreds of droids in his path, and confronts him. They begin to duel and during the fight a sniper took out Dooku. This enraged Grievous and he charged into battle. Grievous met Obi Wan and their battle commenced. Grievous using two sabers to combat Obi wan. Obi Wan was gaining the advantage on Grievous until he activated his two extra arms. Now wielding four light sabers, he was nearly unstoppable. Ahsoka saw this and threw one of her sabers to Obi Wan. The clash continued and the battle was glorious both exchanging the fastest and strongest attacks anyone had ever seen. In the end Obi Wan slashed off three of his arms and stabbed him through the heart. Winning the battle he and Anakin rush to Satine. Finding her, he embraced her in his arms promising to never let her go again. They then departed for Ahsoka’s kingdom to live out the rest of their lives.

Image info- Lightsaber

Author’s Notes:

This story focuses on a battle between two brothers, how Rama helped one of them, and his search for Sita. Rama (Obi Wan Kenobi) is summoned by Sugriva (Ahsoka Tano) to help defeat his older brother Vali (Hamry Tano). I changed the sex of the youngest brother to a female in my story. Sugriva explains how the conflict started and Rama agrees to help in exchange for help looking for Sita (Satine Kryze). They go out to fight the brother and Rama helps Sugriva defeat Vali. After the battle some time was spent celebrating but the search for Sita must begin. Sugriva sends four armies in every direction to help find Sita. They discover that she is across the sea in Ravana’s (General Grievous) territory. Hanuman (Anakin Skywalker) goes across the sea to scout the area and look for Sita. He is discovered and released. They cross the sea and the battle commences. Rama and his forces seem to be winning until night comes and the rakshasas gather their full strength also Indrajit( Count Dooku) badly injures Rama and tricks him with an illusion. The battle commence again after everyone is healed by Garuda (Yoda). Rama and Ravana start battling soon afterwards and Rama slays him and wins Sita back. 

Bibliography-  Rama and the Monkeys by Geraldine Hodgson


  1. Hey Ryan! Great Story! I like that you had a Star Wars theme to the story, I think it was a great way to show the relationship between the characters in the Ramayana! I really enjoyed your story! I think something that could make your story even better is if you incorporate some dialogue into it. I would love to see how the characters talked to one another! Overall, you did a great job! I can’t wait to see what you write in the future!

  2. Hey Ryan,

    Your take on the story of Rama and his brother and tying it with Star Wars is awesome. I really liked how you used great imagery words within the story that really show what is unravelling in the story. When you talk about the creature that his "five times her size" you could almost see what the creature might look like. The character that resembled Sita was a good representation but I wonder how different the story could be if her part was explained more in the story. Along with the rest of the story that had great imagery, you could also incorporate background information. If you added a little more about some of the characters then readers are more likely to rally around your story's character and the cause. Otherwise you did an amazing job taking the amazing Star Wars into a story like you did!
