Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Story Planning: HP and the Fish Woman

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie

This is a good introduction for my story. Ganga agrees to marry the king under a few conditions and he agrees. He breaks one of them and she leaves. This part of the story will be excellent for my idea this week.
The condition he broke was to never confront her on something she did. She was drowning her babies in a river and on the 8th child he was fed up and confronted her about it. After he did this she left him. 

The king's son went to find the maiden his father had found to change the father's mind about having his daughter marry the king. He does but in doing so he loses his rights to the throne. I like the prince so far. He seems like a good guy and I may focus my story around him.
The king was on a walk and came across a beautiful woman that was born from a fish. He wanted to marry her but her father would not give his daughter to him unless he made his future grandson heir to the throne. The king was disheartened because he already had a son and did not want to take that right away from him. Hearing about this, his son goes and finds the woman and her father and promises to give up his birth right if she would marry his father. They agreed to this.

I liked this story, the problem in this part was trying to find an heir to the throne. They did but it was not by the usual methods. The queen asked Devavrata to do it but he took a vow to not have children and he planned to keep that. She then turned to her son to produce an heir.
The king dies and their was no heir so the queen has her son, who was a sage in the wilderness, have babies with the king's daughters. They had three children and Pandu became king because one of his brothers was blind and the other was not of noble bloodline.

He is out hunting when he finds a few deer and slays them. However one of them was a Brahmin in disguise and he cursed Pandu for this. The curse would later kill Pandu and leave his wives to raise his sons.
Pandu was hunting deer when he killed one that was actually a Brahmin. He curses Pandu telling him he will die in his lover's arms. This ended up happening for when his favorite wife embraced him and he died.

Bhishma- Wikipedia
I went on Wikipedia and read about him. He is a famous character because of his oath of celibacy. He would not have any children or become king.
Photo Information- Ganga, Bhishma, and Shantanu 


  1. Ryan, good thinking on writing out your different options in a list. They all seem like really good options and definitely something that you could easily expand on. I wrote about King Shantanu and Ganga... I thought it was super interesting, and I think a lot of our classmates have kind of taken that route as well. Feel free to check out my blog to see how I'm thinking about writing my story!

  2. It definitely looks like you’ve got a good range of options for your story post. The nice thing is that you’ve got a bunch of different directions you could take these in, so you’ll be able to find something that suits whatever mood you end up wanting to go for with this. I also thought it was interesting how all these different stories spun off from one main source, which I guess mirrors how the family tree branches off throughout the Mahabharata. Anyways, have fun with your story!

  3. Wow, this sounds like a great thought out plan. You have so many options, and I like the way you give yourself plenty of choices. I think the story about Bhisma would be the most interesting. So many people have wrote about the Ganga.. I look forward to reading your story no matter the direction goodluck!!
