Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Public Domain Edition: Mahabharata Part D

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. MackenzieAbhimanyu and Jayadratha

Arjuna's son is killed in battle and he vows revenge. The story describes his son's death in a gruesome way and I may tone that down in  version I create. Bhima is there with Arjuna when he kills his son's killer although he was not involved in the fight. I could make him a coach or an adviser to Arjuna in my story.

Bhima's son dies in battle here. He is very strong and has illusion powers but they were not enough to defeat  Karna. I can use this story to make Bhima lose his mind in my story and go on a rampage that cannot be stopped. Turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Bhima and Dushasana
Arjuna joins the battle with Bhima but Bhima gets revenge on the person who mistreated his son. He kills him and then drinks his blood which scares away some of the enemy troops. This part was full of gore and fighting and could be made into a gladiator story in my version.

Arjuna and Karna
The two brothers have their final battle and Arjuna wins. Karna had the upperhand because he cheated then the odds turned against him and his head was shot off by an arrow. They both used bows in the fight and were on chariots. I could twist this into being more futuristic or just switch the weapons up.

Photo information: Bhima drinks blood

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