Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Storytelling week 14: The end of Rama's Search

After chasing Ravana into his hideout the Rama, Bhima, and Hanuman were locked outside. The vault door in the bank seemed like it would be difficult to open. Rama tried to pull the door open but he could not do it. Bhima tried next. He was the strongest, by a far margin, of the three heroes. Bhima began to pull on the vault door’s handle and they could see his veins bulging out of his arms while he was struggling. The metal handle began to bend and then with all his might he pulled and the handle snapped. This infuriated Bhima and as he grew angrier he grew stronger. Rama and Hanuman watched as Bhima’s body started to change and they witnessed him transform into a massive blue man. “BHIMA SMASH DOOR NOW,” roared Bhima. He began punching the door as hard as he could and each blow put a larger and larger dent into the door. The door was becoming more and more deformed as each punch landed and Bhima noticed this and reared back for the final blow. He threw both fists into the door and sent it flying down a long hallway until it finally slid to a stop.
The heroes ran inside to find Ravana. They ran down a long hallway until they entered what seemed to be the main chamber. The room was massive. The ceiling was at least twenty feet high and stretched for what the heroes guessed as half a mile. There were doors lined along the walls every four or five feet or so. The heroes had no idea where to go or what door to use. Hanuman decided to use his super speed to check all the doors. He was running so fast that Rama and Bhima could not even see him. After about ten minutes of this they heard Hanuman summon them. He had found Sita or who he thought was Sita. As soon as Rama and Bhima arrived Sita vanished and they heard a loud bang. The door had just closed behind them. A man appeared from the shadows. It was Indrajit, Ravana’s son. “This is where your search ends,” said Indrajit. “I will make sure of it.” He then drew his weapon and let loose a barrage of nagas. These snake like creatures wrapped themselves around Rama and Bhima and they fell to the ground. However since Hanuman was so fast he dodged the attack and then dashed by Indrajit taking his weapon as he ran by. He then let loose a barrage of nagas onto Indrajit himself and he too was overpowered by them. Hanuman released Rama and Bhima and they left Indrajit bound up as they continued on their search.
The heroes came across another large chamber but this room was more elaborate in its design and decoration than the rest of the place. This had to be Ravana’s room. They started to search the room when they were all interrupted by the sound of a siren. Bhima had triggered an alarm because he opened a chest full of weapons and armor. This startled the heroes but they now knew that their presence was known and decided to wait for Ravana. Before he arrived Bhima grabbed six new swords from the chest and gave two to each hero. He showed up with Sita in chains. He chained her to the wall and approached the heroes. “You are impressive heroes,” stated Ravana. “No outsider has ever set foot in our base, yet alone make it to my chambers but this is where your journey ends.”
“Haven’t heard that before,” scoffed Hanuman.
“Oh yes we have,” said Rama. “Someone tried to stop us with nagas earlier but that did not work out to well for him and he said almost the same thing.”
“Only Indrajit, my son uses that weapon,” stated Ravana. “What have you done with him?”
“He is bound with his own nagas at the moment,” said Bhima.
Infuriated by his son’s defeat Ravana transformed into his ultimate form. He grew nine more heads and eighteen more arms. The ten headed, twenty armed Ravana grabbed swords out of his chest and with a sword in each hand he awaited the heroes to charge in. They all drew their swords as well. The epic fight ensued. The sound of swords clanging against each other could be heard throughout the entire base. Hanuman began using his super speed to attack him and it was to no avail. There were too many arms in the way and since Ravana had so many heads he could keep track of his movements. Ravana was easily able to counter the heroes’ strikes. Bhima then transformed himself and threw one of his swords at Ravana. He tried to parry the flying sword but it was thrown with such force that it broke though the sword he was using and cut off three of his arms. Distracted by the pain, Ravana did not notice Rama behind him ready to attack. Rama used his two swords to decapitate four of the heads. The heroes worked together to continue to whittle him down until he was nothing but a regular person again. Just one head and two arms. Not wanting to admit defeat he ran towards Sita to use her as leverage. Rama saw what he was attempting to do and as Ravana started to run towards her he threw one of his swords at him. The sword went through Ravana’s back and the point was sticking out of his chest. He fell to his knees and Rama ripped the sword out of his back and beheaded Ravana. The fight was finally over. Bhima broke the chains binding Sita and she and Rama were finally reunited. They embraced and Rama promised to never leave her side again. They left the base behind them knowing that they were finally safe and could live out the rest of their lives together in peace.
Author's Note
 I used the story of Rama and Ravana’s battle for my final storybook story. Instead of taking place in Ravana’s kingdom, the setting is an old bank with an underground base. He is a gang leader in this story instead of a king. His son, Indrajit, makes an appearance with his noose of nagas attack. I enjoyed that part of the original story and wanted to add it to my own. However I did not kill him off in this story. I felt that the heroes did not need to kill him because they had no quarrel with him. They only had a problem with Ravana so he was killed off like the original. His death was different then in the original. Rama shot him with his bow. I decided not to use a bow because I had imagined an epic sword fight between the four of them and that is why I changed the heroes’ weapons. Bhima uses a club in his original story. I also changed the color that Bhima turns into. The Incredible Hulk turns green but I wanted him to turn blue to stay a bit more accurate to the Indian background these stories have. I also changed how Sita was involved. In the original she was not brought out until after the battle. I had her in my story to add a bit more detail into my battle scene.

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Photo Information: Ravana

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Reading Notes Wilson;s Ramayana Part B

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Sections 9 and 10
The battle has started and the monkeys seem to be winning. Rama and his brother face one of the generals and the general showered them with arrows. This severely wounded Rama and his brother but they were healed a bit later. They could continue the fight. Ravana decided to wake up his brother, who was a giant. It was a difficult task waking him up but once they did he ate and then fought. He was killed by Rama.

Section 11 and 12
The fighting continues until Ravana shows up to fight Rama. He is on a black chariot and the Gods evened it out by sending Rama a chariot. They begin the epic fight and Rama tears off one of his heads but it grows back. He then shoots him in the heart with an arrrow and kills Ravana. I think I will change the weapons that he uses in my story.

Section 13
Rama was so happy to find Sita but he made her go through a purity test. He did not want to but was pressured by others. She went into the flames and came out without burns because she was carried out by the God of fire. She had remained faithful to Rama. They lived out the rest of the exile and returned home to live together.

Photo Information- Kumbhakarna

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Wilson's Ramayana Part A

Title: The Indian Story Book: Rama's Quest
Author: Richard Wilson

Section 1 and 2
Rama wins Sita's hand in marriage by breaking an unbendable bow. He and Sita fall deeply in love. There were good times ahead but that did not last too long. For Rama lost his claim to the throne and was exiled from his kingdom.  

Section 3 and 4 
Still in exile they build a home for themselves and are happy. Bharata wants Rama to come back and lead their people but Rama refuses. He will live out his exile and return when it is over. One day they were attacked by giants and Rama fought them all off. He defeated them all but one escaped to talk to Ravana. 

Section 5 and 6
Sita is captured by Ravana, who approached her in disguise. Rama then tries to seek her out. He comes across Hanuman and he tells them of his leader Sugriva. Sugriva agrees to help find and rescue Sita once he has reclaimed his throne from his older brother. Rama helps him defeat his brother and they take back the kingdom and start the search for Sita.

Section 7 and 8
Hanuman finds Sita in Lanka and wants to rescue her. He cannot and gets captured. As an envoy they do not kill him but they light his tail on fire instead. Hanuman escapes and uses this to burn down half of Lanka as he runs through the city. He returns to Rama with a gift from Sita and they have to find a way to cross the ocean. 

Photo Information: Hanuman Carrying a mountain 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Reading Notes Part B: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 4
This is the point where Ravana captures Sita. A brave vulture tries to free Sita as Ravana flew away with her but he could not defeat him. He tells Rama who took her and where to find him. They would have to cross an ocean. Rama struggles with the loss of Sita and is willing to do anything to get her back. I like how he is devoted to one person.

Section 5
Rama comes back to find Sita missing. He and his brother argue for a bit on whose fault it is. That's when they find the vulture and he tells them what happened to Sita. Rama also meets Hanuman and Sugriva here. He helps them take back Sugriva's kingdom and then Sugriva will help find and rescue Sita.

Section 6
They cross the sea to find Ravana and defeat him. They build a bridge across the ocean and then attack Lanka. Rama ends up slaying Ravana and rescuing Sita. He then tests her loyalty to him. She was loyal and stepped out of the fire unharmed. Rama was overjoyed to see her again. This can be used to make a happy ending for my story or I ca make a twist and have the ending go sour. Not quite sure what  I want to do yet.

Photo Information- Ravana statue

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Reading Notes Part A: W.D. Monro

Title: Stories of Indian Gods and Heroes: Rama and Sita
Author: W. D. Monro

Section 1
In this part of the story Rama is created to defeat Ravana. It then shows him growing up a bit then gets to the part where he wins Sita as his wife. I have used this part of the story before and I may come back to it to help get all the character details I need for Rama. 

Section 2

Rama is going to be made king but something happens preventing this. The king owed two boons to Kaikeyi and she demanded that her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama left to uphold his father's honor. He explains why they should not rebel against this decision. He is gone for 14 years. I can use this to show how honorable he is. He could have just stayed and overthrown them and taken over but he decided to do the right thing an leave. 

Section 4
Ravana appears to Sita in disguise. Sita was left alone while Rama hunted a deer and his brother was fooled by Ravana. He let out cries of help so Rama's brother went to go help Rama. He approaches her and starts sweet talking her and then reveals who he and why he is there. He tells her of his castle and his love for her and she rejects him. I can add some details on how Sita was captured for my stories. I like that the bad guy was in disguise here. I can use that and maybe twist up the details to make the disguise different or have him not reveal his identity until later. 

Photo information: Rama and Sita

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part B

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine HodgsonSource

Council of Evil Beings
This part of the story focuses on Ravana and his decision to fight Rama or just release Sita to him. All of his council members, except one, agreed that if they fought Rama they would win. Ravana's younger brother was the one person who recommended that they just give Sita up. In the end the decision is made to fight Rama. I may use this to show how Ravana acted out of pride and will lose because of this.

Approach of the Monkeys
As the monkey army approached Lanka Ravana sent spies into their camp. They were discovered and released by Rama. Ravana sent more spies in and Rama released them too. He treated them all as messengers and made sure no harm came to them even though they were enemies. This shows a kind and compassionate side to Rama.

The Great Battle
Rama and Sugriva are badly injured and need healing. Hanuman goes and retrieves some medicinal herbs to heal them. Once healed they begin to battle again. Rama faces Ravana and slays him. He is reunited with Sita and they depart from Lanka. Rama went to any and all lengths to rescue his beloved Sita. I like this because he is fighting for someone else and not just himself.

Photo Info: Rama fighting Ravana

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reading Notes Hodgson: Part A

Title: Rama and the Monkeys

Author: Geraldine Hodgson

Youth and marriage of Rama
I like the story about him helping the priest Vishwamitra. He was young and this could be a good backstory for the hero. Giving details on how he killed the two demons with his bow. He also wins Sita in this story. He strings a bow that was near impossible to string and won her hand in marriage. They fell deeply in love. This could be a good start to a story about Rama.

Rama loses his inheritance. 
This is the part of the story where Rama loses his throne and gets banished. His father, the king, owed two boons to someone and she took them. She demanded her son be made king and that Rama be banished. Rama leaves like is commanded even though some people want him to stay. He upholds his father's wishes and departs from the palace. This shows he has honor and bravery. 

Vali's Death
Rama helps Sugriva take back his kingdom from his older brother Vali. The two brothers fight twice and the second fight Rama interferes and shoots Vali with his bow. The scene was described in vivid detail. I could picture the scene in my head as I was reading the story. I may have Rama change weapons in my story. Maybe a more modern day weapon instead of a bow. 
Photo Information: Bow and Arrow

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Story Planning: Bhima saves Draupadi

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic. I will be using this to finish off my story about Bhima. His character cares about his family's safety and he will have that same trait in my story.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family. He gets revenge on the person who offended his family. He upheld his vow of revenge which is a bit dark for a hero so I am tweak these events around in my story.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength. He also gets revenge here, so I may have this happen differently as well. I may just have Bhima break his leg, like he promised, then they just take the wounded man to prison.

Bhima- Wikipedia
I went to Wikipedia to learn more about Bhima. I did not realize how much education and training he went through. Later in his life he has a 13 day battle with someone. Adding this knew knowledge about him makes it easier to describe Bhima in more detail. I am going to start reading the Ramayana next week and I will be focusing in on Hanuman. I may try to incorporate Bhima and Hanuman together in a story.

Photo info- Bhima vs Duryodhana

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Readin Notes: Mahabharata part B

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

The Year of Disguise
The Pandava brothers are in disguise for a year after being banished for 12. Bhima saves his wife in disguise. She was a servant and was called upon and was almost forced into sex but Bhima rescues her. Bhima saving his wife is noble and very heroic.

The Great Battle
Bhima vows to behead and drink someone's blood. The person offended his family so he was seeking revenge. Their is a battle and he came across the person. He kills one and drinks his blood which makes some of the enemy troops run in fear. This shows Bhima will keep his word when protecting his family.

Duryodhana's Death
Bhima vowed to break Duryodhana's leg early in the story. Bhima finds him in the middle of a lake hiding. He said he would come out to fight Bhima alone. That is when Bhima breaks his leg. I may edit some of my story to focus on Bhima and his feats of strength.

Photo information: Duryodhana's in the lake

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Storytelling: Bhima the Mighty

After escaping from people that wanted them dead, Bhima and his family continued away from the city into a nearby mountain range. They traveled far away to be sure they were safe. The trip had exhausted the mother of the Panadva brothers. She told them that she needed rest. They found a cave and she asked Bhima to fetch her some water. He left the cave to find water for her and shortly after he left his mom and brothers fell asleep. He did not have to venture far to find the water. He returned soon and saw his family sleeping so he watched over them. They would be glad he did so because not far away was the demon Hidimba. He despised humans and sent his sister to lure the family to him so he could kill them. When she found the family she saw Bhima and immediately fell in love. She was so captivated by his looks that she knew she could not lead them back to her brother so that he could kill them. She decided to warn him instead of listening to her brother. Hidimba was getting impatient so he decided to go find them. He arrived to find his sister talking to Bhima and he was furious. He vowed to slay Bhima where he stood. What he did not know however was that Bhima had amazing strength and was incredibly fast. Bhima looked his foe in the eye and knew a fight was about to ensue. Hidimba dashed forward with incredible speed but he was not fast enough. Bhima quickly dodged and punched him in the stomach. That sent him flying backwards into a tree. Bhima ran towards him and started to throw punches so hard that the tree broke in half. Bhima drew his sword as the demon started to get up and Bhima preceded to behead the evil demon. The sister was sad so she decided to bury her dead brother. Soon after the battle the family left the forest and the demon’s sister behind. They entered the outskirts of Dubai looking for shelter but they ended up finding trouble.

They ran into a gang leader demanding a new citizen tax on them. Not having any money, Bhima and his family refused to pay Baka. Baka then told them to leave town or he and his gang would end their lives. Bhima was furious with the gang leader. He was enraged that someone would threaten his family. He drew his swords and prepared to defend his family. The gang members surrounded Bhima but he jumped over the men and then ran towards the leader. More men stepped in front of his path and Bhima barreled through them then with a swift strike he cleaved the gang leader in two. After seeing their leader fall to the ground in two pieces the gang members ran away terrified. At that moment he saw a giant mushroom cloud of sand rise over the desert. He decided to investigate while his family found a place to stay. 

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid

Author's Notes-
I used the story about Bhima fighting Hidimba and Baka. I skipped the part about him leaving for awhile with the demon's sister. I also changed details of where the family ran off to and the cities they were in. I wanted to make a back story for Bhima for my storybook while staying accurate to the Mahabharata. This will describe his character more in depth and will give him some more character development.

Photo info- Bhima fighting Baka

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part A

The Indian Heroes:
Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City
Author: C. A. Kincaid
Photo Info- Bhima and Baka

The Princes of Elephant
The brothers are going to be assassinated by fire but they smell the oil and pac oon the building and make an escape tunnel. The place is burned down and 6 drunken people get killed and people think it is the Pandava brothers. They escaped into the forest. I may use this at the beginning of my story about Bhima.

Hidimba and Baka
Bhima fights both of them in this story. This is the main part of the story I want to focus on. I want to use this story about Bhima for my storybook. I will use this as his background story leading up the the final part. I am excited to start writing about him.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Looking back on my week one growth mindset and reflecting on my progress this semester makes me feel a bit better about myself. I am working harder than before and my work seems to be improving as I continue with this semester. I still have a problem with procrastination and I am constantly trying to work on that. One of my strengths is my willingness to take on a new challenge or task that is given to me. I love learning about new things and expanding my knowledge by completing new challenges. I do however have a tendency to choose what is easy though. If it means less work for me then I would take that option. I find it hard for myself to stay focused on one task. Not just for school but for work and my everyday life as well. I am constantly thinking about multiple things and looking forward to the next task instead of just focusing and finishing what I am already doing. Writing so much this semester and having due dates for everything has helped me become more organized and a better planner. I plan out my week every Sunday and plan out everything I need to do for the week. This has helped me stay on track with classes. I plan on using my improved planning skills to help me finish out the rest of this semester.
Photo Info- Motivational Quote

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Reflections

I looked back over my reading notes and found a few of my favorite stories but my overall favorite to read and write about was a story in the Ramayana. The battle between Rama and Ravana is my favorite story. The action and drama in the story made the story easy to read and it was entertaining throughout. I liked looking back at my reading notes. Helped me remember everything we had been reading this semester. My notes were simple but they had enough detail to them that I could remember what the stories I read were about. Since I have already read the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, I think I will pick the stories about Krishna or I will watch the video stories. I have not watched a video story this semester yet so I may try it out. I actually enjoyed writing my stories this semester. I have always thought of myself as a bad writer but looking over my stories shows my improvements each week. I think they all get better as I was writing again more frequently. Adapting new writing styles and learning from others comments on how I should be shaping my stories. I am also doing a storybook this semester and I am excited about it. I have a plan for the stories for my storybook and my hope is that they will all flow smoothly together. I think I will redesign the page soon though to match what I want it to look like. When I read other people's stories I often find myself amazed at how well other people can write. My skill level in writing is not the highest so it is nice to read something that is done by a better writer than myself. It helps me to study their writing style a bit and then add it to my own.
Photo Information-  Motivational Quote

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Story Planning: Don't Make Him Angry

Mahabharata by C.A. Kincaid

Hidimba and Baka

I think I am going to incorporate this story into my storybook. Bhima fights two demons in this story and can really develop his character in my storybook. I like that he stays awake when his family is sleeping. He watches over them making sure they are all safe. A female demon approaches Bhima and his family with the intent of killing them. She was sent by her brother and once she arrived she fell in love with Bhima and does not kill them but instead warns them about her brother who will kill them now. Bhima fights him and defeats him. After he does that he goes away for a bit of time and has a kid with the female demon. He returns to find his family in a village ruled by an evil demon and he slays him too. I will try to incorporate this story into my storybook about Bhima.

The Winning of Draupadi

I may add this into my story about Bhima. Arjuna is focused on here but Bhima steps in to help save him and throws someone over the arena walls and they land safely. Seeing this people stop fighting. This will show how much respect people have or how fearful they are of Bhima's strength. Arjuna wins a bride but his mother said she should share whatever he won and he did. All the brothers married Draupadi and loved her very much. I liked this story but I am going to focus more on Bhima.

He gambles away himself and his entire family but ends up getting everything back because of Draupadi. Some people take her and try to strip her but their was divine interference.This angers Bhima and he vows to kill the person who did that to her. This is a bit violent for a hero type but he will be a good guy. One of the brother's loses his life and gambles his brother's lives away. They become slaves but are then set free by a king. Arjuna then gambles again and loses and his family is exiled. They were exiled for twelve years and would have to be in disguise for the thirteenth year. I can make the Arjuna make a similar big mistake where he loses everything. I may relate it to modern times and have him lose a business or something like that.

This page was a bout Bhima. I learned more about his character from this site the story so far so it helps add details about him in my stories. I think I am going to make next week's story be about the first one where he fights two demons. That will make it more interesting and give some character development for my storybook.

Photo Information- Hidimba and Bhima 

Reading Notes: Kincaid Mahabharata Part B

C. A. Kincaid Mahabharata

The Year of Disguise
The brothers have spent their twelve years in exile and are now spending the thirteenth in disguise. I liked how they took on new identities to go into civilization again. Bhima intervenes with a man who wants to sleep with Draupadi and he crushes him into a ball. I could use the last part in a story to show how strong Bhima is.

The Great Battle
There is a large battle between the brothers and another army. The brother's win the main battle and Bhima fulfills his promise to kill and dink a certain man's blood. He comes across him on the battlefield and slays him. This could show how brutal and unforgiving Bhima is when you cross him.

Duryodhana's Death
The battle continues and the enemy comes in at night and wipes out the brother's army. Bhima was able to fulfill his other promise and broke and enemy's leg and then left him there. This part of the story adds almost the same character development, as the previous story, to Bhima's character. I may use these qualities to shape how his character acts in my story.

Image Information- Duryodhana in the water

Monday, February 27, 2017

Reading Notes: Kincaid Mahabharata Part A

Mahabharata by C.A. Kincaid

Hidimba and Baka

I think I am going to incorporate this story into my storybook. Bhima fights two demons in this story and can really develop his character in my storybook. I like that he stays awake when his family is sleeping. He watches over them making sure they are all safe.

The Winning of Draupadi

I may add this into my story about Bhima. Arjuna is focused on here but Bhima steps in to help save him and throws someone over the arena walls and they land safely. Seeing this people stop fighting. This will show how much respect people have or how fearful they are of Bhima's strength.

He gambles away himself and his entire family but ends up getting everything back because of Draupadi. Some people take her and try to strip her but their was divine interference.This angers Bhima and he vows to kill the person who did that to her. This is a bit violent for a hero type but he will be a good guy.

Photo Information-  Bhima fights Baka

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Story telling: Avatar Duties

Photo Information: Korra 
One day the Northern Spirit was meditating in the spirit swamp and Vasus, in panda form, was flying overhead. Vasus blocked the sunlight warming the Northern Spirit and this angered him greatly. He then banished Vasus and his seven brothers to the human world and told them they could not get back until they were vanquished in battle by the Avatar. The Avatar is the peace keeper between the human and spirit worlds and can control the four elements water, fire, air, and earth. The brothers traveled the land trying to find someone to listen to their story about being spirits trapped in human form. To their misfortune no one listened. The brothers decided to travel to the fire nation because they had heard that Korra, the Avatar, would be there for the fire nation centennial. They made it to the Fire temple to see if Korra as with Fire Lord Zuko and they explained their problem to Zuko. He listened but informed them that she had been there a few days ago but went out to meditate in the fire swamps but had not been seen since her departure. Meanwhile, Korra was trying to escape the fire swamps. A mystical, dense fog swept over the entire swamp. She tried to water bend and air bend the fog away but she could not. Confused she just picked a direction and began walking. After what seemed liked hours she came across a man and his dragon. It was Zuko. He was there searching for her to tell her about the brothers and their problem. She returned to the temple and heard their story. She agreed to help them but only if she could fight them one on one. Vasus protested saying she should just light them all on fire and be done with it. So without hesitation she ignited him and to everyone’s surprise he was left unscathed. The eldest brother remembered the words of the one who banished them and told everyone that they had to be killed by the Avatar in combat to get back to the Spirit world. So the fights commenced and one by one she slayed the brothers and they happily returned to the spirit world. However by the end of the fourth fight she was exhausted and had to rest. The impatient brother who spoke out earlier lashed at her for being weak and not worthy to hold the status as Avatar. Angered by this she challenged the remaining three brothers and defeated them all. Only the brother who was impatient and arrogant as left. Instead of killing him like he wanted she punished him by letting him live. She told him to learn human values of patience and kindness and if he could do that she would let him return to the Spirit world. Furious at his denial to be sent home he ran off into the fire swamps. Once there he found a quiet place to meditate. After calming down he returned to find Korra well rested and dining with Zuko. He apologized for his previous actions and begged for a chance to do battle with her. She obliged and once defeated, he appeared in spirit form to thank her for her kindness and teachings. The brothers lived happily in the spirit world from then on. Making sure to never casts their shadows on anyone again.

Bibliography-  Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie

Author’s Note- This is the story of goddess Ganga (Korra) and how she drowned her babies. The babies were celestial beings born into human form because they were cursed by Vashishtha because one of them blocked his sunlight while he was meditating. She gets married to the king and he becomes outraged when she kills the babies. Not knowing that they are celestial beings and she is sending them back to their original form. She leaves him because he gets angry and this violated the agreement they had made when she married him. My version will change many details but will follow the same basic storyline.

Public Domain Edition: Mahabharata Part D

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. MackenzieAbhimanyu and Jayadratha

Arjuna's son is killed in battle and he vows revenge. The story describes his son's death in a gruesome way and I may tone that down in  version I create. Bhima is there with Arjuna when he kills his son's killer although he was not involved in the fight. I could make him a coach or an adviser to Arjuna in my story.

Bhima's son dies in battle here. He is very strong and has illusion powers but they were not enough to defeat  Karna. I can use this story to make Bhima lose his mind in my story and go on a rampage that cannot be stopped. Turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Bhima and Dushasana
Arjuna joins the battle with Bhima but Bhima gets revenge on the person who mistreated his son. He kills him and then drinks his blood which scares away some of the enemy troops. This part was full of gore and fighting and could be made into a gladiator story in my version.

Arjuna and Karna
The two brothers have their final battle and Arjuna wins. Karna had the upperhand because he cheated then the odds turned against him and his head was shot off by an arrow. They both used bows in the fight and were on chariots. I could twist this into being more futuristic or just switch the weapons up.

Photo information: Bhima drinks blood

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Story Planning: HP and the Fish Woman

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie

This is a good introduction for my story. Ganga agrees to marry the king under a few conditions and he agrees. He breaks one of them and she leaves. This part of the story will be excellent for my idea this week.
The condition he broke was to never confront her on something she did. She was drowning her babies in a river and on the 8th child he was fed up and confronted her about it. After he did this she left him. 

The king's son went to find the maiden his father had found to change the father's mind about having his daughter marry the king. He does but in doing so he loses his rights to the throne. I like the prince so far. He seems like a good guy and I may focus my story around him.
The king was on a walk and came across a beautiful woman that was born from a fish. He wanted to marry her but her father would not give his daughter to him unless he made his future grandson heir to the throne. The king was disheartened because he already had a son and did not want to take that right away from him. Hearing about this, his son goes and finds the woman and her father and promises to give up his birth right if she would marry his father. They agreed to this.

I liked this story, the problem in this part was trying to find an heir to the throne. They did but it was not by the usual methods. The queen asked Devavrata to do it but he took a vow to not have children and he planned to keep that. She then turned to her son to produce an heir.
The king dies and their was no heir so the queen has her son, who was a sage in the wilderness, have babies with the king's daughters. They had three children and Pandu became king because one of his brothers was blind and the other was not of noble bloodline.

He is out hunting when he finds a few deer and slays them. However one of them was a Brahmin in disguise and he cursed Pandu for this. The curse would later kill Pandu and leave his wives to raise his sons.
Pandu was hunting deer when he killed one that was actually a Brahmin. He curses Pandu telling him he will die in his lover's arms. This ended up happening for when his favorite wife embraced him and he died.

Bhishma- Wikipedia
I went on Wikipedia and read about him. He is a famous character because of his oath of celibacy. He would not have any children or become king.
Photo Information- Ganga, Bhishma, and Shantanu 

Public Domain Edition: Mahabharata part B

The Indian Heroes by C. A. Kincaid

I really enjoyed this part of the story. Thing and one of the princes have a plan to kill some of the other princes. It does not work but they are not aware of this. A fire burns down a building that they were supposed to be in, people think it is the other princes but it is not. This is a great plot twist I can work with in my story. The heroes can surprise the villains.

A strong enemy appears and a fight starts. This will continue the story very nicely. The escape the town and a rakshasa wants to eat them. Bhima was the hero here and his character will make a good super hero of some sort. 

He was a cruel leader and Bhima was sent to kill him. They fight and Bhima wins and the town is overjoyed. This can be set to an Avengers theme as well but I think I may do a Harry Potter theme this week. 

Photo Information- Bhima fights Hidimba

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Public Domain Edition: Mahabharata Part A

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie

This is a good introduction for my story. Ganga agrees to marry the king under a few conditions and he agrees. He breaks one of them and she leaves. This part of the story will be excellent for my idea this week. 

The king's son went to find the maiden his father had found to change the father;s mind about having his daughter marry the king. He does but in doing so he loses his rights to the throne. I like the prince so far. He seems like a good guy and I may focus my story around him. 

I liked this story, the problem in this part was trying to fin an heir to the throne. They did but it was not by the usual methods. The queen asked Devavrata to do it but he took a vow to not have children and he planned to keep that. She then turned to her son to produce an heir.

He is out hunting when he finds a few deer and slays them. However one of them was a Brahmin in disguise and he cursed Pandu for this. The curse would later kill Pandu and leave his wives to raise his sons. 
Photo Info- Devavrata takes his vow

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feedback Focus

Reading out loud

This focusing technique worked best for me. I find it hard to read sometimes because my mind always wanders when reading. I will read a sentence that makes me think of something I have done or seen and I space out for a bit. This technique helps eliminate that from happening. Saying the words aloud really helps me focus on what I am reading. One of the downsides to this is that it takes longer to read stories this way. I would take the loss of time for this method though. It really helps me concentrate on the reading.

Copy and delete

This method worked well for me too. The process of only reading a paragraph at a time made the story much easier to focus on. Making the comments about each section was helpful as well. When I was done reading a paragraph I made notes about them. At the end of the story I had written about my favorite character and what they had been doing throughout the story. This helped me better recollect what was in the story and what I liked about each part. This can help me leave more detailed comments on stories.

Use a timer

I liked this method as well. I loved that I was only doing something for ten minutes. It was very easy to read the story in the allotted time. I actually read it twice because I read through it fast the first time because I knew I was being timed. That rushed feeling did not help me focus much but going through and reading the story for the second time really helped me focus on the details so overall this was helpful to me.
Image info- Focusing intently 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Storytelling: Saving Pikachu

               Ash is on his journey to become a Pokémon master. He has won many battles and trained hard to become the very best like no one ever was. He is traveling with Brock and his Pokémon. His favorite Pokémon he has is Pikachu. Pikachu was the first Pokémon ash received. They have a special bond that no one can break. They are best friends and will give everything they have in battle for one another. While traveling through Viridian forest catching Pokémon and training, he is approached by Professor Oak.  Oak tells him he is there to give him a gift for working hard on his pokedex. Ash looks with wonder at the new type of pokeball that Oak had presented to him. “It is a master ball” said Oak, “it will catch any Pokémon on the first try.” Ash was amazed and placed the master ball in his bag. Thanking Oak, he continued on his journey. A few days later Ash came across a shiny Pokémon called Diglett, shiny Pokémon are Pokémon that are a different color than what they are supposed to be, knowing that these are extremely rare he considered using the new master ball he had acquired but decided against that. The Diglett saw them and started to run away, Ash gave chase but left Pikachu behind with brock because electric type moves have no effect on a ground type Pokémon like Diglett. What they did not know was that the Diglett was a trap set by Jesse.
                Jesse had sent a Team Rocket member to distract ash with the shiny Pokémon. It was a Ditto that could transform into any Pokémon. The Diglett had went quite some distance before stopping. As Ash was ready to battle and catch the Diglett, it transformed back into a Ditto. Ash recognized the Ditto at once, knowing it was Jesse’s he rushed back to find Pikachu and Brock but it was too late. While he was chasing down the Diglett, Jesse had tricked Brock by imitating the voice of Ash and crying for help. Brock ran off to find his friend leaving Pikachu behind where it was safe. Jesse captured Pikachu and flew back to Team Rocket headquarters but Pikachu let out a cry and Ash looked up and saw Pikachu being taken by Jesse. He had to collect his strongest Pokémon for the upcoming battle. He traveled to the nearest Pokémon center to retrieve them. Once he did that, they set out towards Team Rocket’s base. Knowing the location of their base he began traveling there, with Brock, immediately.
                Jesse had returned to headquarters with Pikachu and everyone was thrilled to have such a strong Pokémon. The only downside to this was that Pikachu would not listen to anyone. Pikachu was loyal to Ash and only obeyed him. Jesse tried everything to coerce Pikachu into taking her commands but nothing worked. James knew that Pikachu would never listen to her and tried to convince Jesse to give Pikachu back. He knew that Ash would come to rescue Pikachu and that nothing would stop him. This made Jesse furious and she threw him out of headquarters. He then joined Ash and Brock and told them of a secret way into the Team Rocket base. They follow him and find Jesse and Pikachu. Ash sees Pikachu and know he will win for his best friend. Jesse knows how strong he is so she prepared for this. The battle was long and well fought each used their Pokémon flawlessly in battle but it came down to Charizard and Arbok. Charizard was the strongest Pokémon Ash had, besides Pikachu, and he took the Arbok down with ease. Jesse still had one trick up her sleeve though. Jesse explained that she had the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo under her control, although she had not caught him. They were using mind control to subdue this Pokémon. Mewtwo was too powerful for Charizard alone so thinking quickly Ash commanded Charizard to rush at Mewtwo using flamethrower. This distracted Mewtwo long enough for Ash to throw his master ball unnoticed. It hit Mewtwo and captured him, rendering Jesse defenseless. After defeating Jesse he freed Pikachu and they were happily reunited. Before leaving he made sure that James was in charge so that this would not happen again. Ash, with Pikachu by his side, continued on his journey to become Pokémon master.

Photo Information: Pikachu 


 The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould 

Author’s Notes:

My story is centered on the conflict between Rama (Ash) and Ravan (Jesse). Rama begins this story exiled from his kingdom and he Sita (Pikachu) are traveling through a forest. A deer appears and Sita wants his hide so Rama goes after it for her, leaving her in the care of Lakshmana (Brock). It was a trick though, the deer was a person in disguise to help distract Rama while Ravan captured Sita. He does and takes her to his kingdom. Rama finds out where she was taken and goes with an army (Pokemon team) to try and rescue Sita. Ravan gets angry at one of his brothers for advising him to just give Sita back to Rama. Ravan then throws Vibishan (James) from his council room and from that point Vibishan joins Rama. There is an epic battle between Rama and Ravan but in the end Rama wins the conflict and saves Sita. His exile is up at the end of this story and they return home. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Reading Notes: Divine Archer by F. J. Gould Part 2

The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould

In chapter 8 Ravan meets with his council and throws one of his brothers, Vibishan, out of his home because he advised that Ravan should let Sita go and not fight Rama. Turns out that was the best choice but that is not what Ravan did. So his brother joins Rama and his army. I will incorporate the brother joining Rama in my story. I think I will change how this happens though. I will make it seem like the brother who left did so secretly instead of confronting Ravan like in the original story.

Chapter 9 was about the epic battle between Rama and Ravan and their armies. This battle has a happy ending and I will not change that for my story. The hero will win and rescue the girl. He does test Sita's faithfulness to him but that ends well too. At the end of this chapter his banishment is lifted and they return home.

In chapter 10 Rama becomes ruler and banishes Sita because of rumors that she was unfaithful to him while held captive by Ravan. She has twins that he does not know about until they come into the city. The end of this is a bit sad, Sita gets taken to the underworld by her own accord and this saddens Rama. I will make the ending a bit more tragic to evoke more feeling out of this part of the story.

Photo Information: Final Battle of Rama and Ravan

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Reading Notes: Divine Archer F.J. Gould

The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould

I did not plan on using chapters 1-4 because I created a story about that already so I decided to use a different part of the Ramayana this week.

I will be using chapter 5 of this book for my story this week. Rama was just exiled and is wandering the forest. He comes along a saint who gives him many great weapons. This will be fun to work with but I have not decided what theme I will be using this week.

I will continue my story by using chapter 6. This is where Ravan captures Sita. I want the story to flow well so instead of using the whole chapter I will use some of the more interesting parts.


Photo Information- Rama hunting for Sita

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Storytelling week 3: Obi Wan's Search for Satine


       Obi Wan Kenobi was traveling around his planet when one day he was approached by a clone trooper under Ahsoka Tano’s leadership and was asked to come talk to her. He obliged and they went on their way. Once they arrived at the base he was greeted warmly by his old friend Ahsoka. She then explains why she needed him, she was in a conflict with her brother Hamry. One day on their travels Ahsoka and Hamry came across a small cavern and Hamry decided to investigate. Ahsoka chose to stay outside the cave and wait for his return. About ten minutes later she hears a horrifying scream from the cave and yelled out for her brother. She received no response so she cautiously entered the cavern. As soon as she did she saw the beast that had slain her brother. The creature was five times her size with teeth and claws as long as her arms. Frightened she dashes out of the cave and seals the entrance by moving a boulder in front of the entrance, with the force, as well as creating an avalanche of rocks to cover that up, hoping to trap the beast. What she did not know was that Hamry was still alive. He then slayed the beast and escaped the cavern. Hamry believed that Ahsoka left him for dead in the cave to assume her place as Queen. She denied this but he was so angry with her that he would not listen so he banished her from the kingdom. She then asked Obi Wan if he would help defeat Hamry so she could return to her home. He agrees on the condition that she will help him find Satine once the conflict had been settled. They agree and both leave at once.
They arrive at the kingdom and the news that Ahsoka had returned traveled quickly. Hamry was enraged by this and sought to end the conflict between them. He went to the wall and commanded her to leave. She tried to explain her side of the story again but he would not hear it. He ignited his light saber and charged at Ahsoka. She dodges the initial attack then activates her light sabers as well. The battle commences and neither side was giving an inch, Hamry elegantly and swiftly attacking and Ahsoka parrying each blow but as the battle raged on Hamry was gaining the advantage. Ahsoka tried to attack and get on the offensive side of things but Hamry was just too powerful. She miscalculated her attack and was vulnerable. Hamry knew he had won but just as he started to swing his saber at her, another intervened. Obi Wan had blocked the attack at the last second. Hamry was furious and began to attack Obi Wan. Obi Wan countered every attack with ease and then began to go on the offensive. Hamry could not keep up with the swiftness of Obi Wan’s attacks and fell in battle.
After the battle Ahsoka assumes the throne and they have a grand feast for Obi Wan. They celebrate for a few days but Obi Wan grew restless and was ready to find and rescue Satine. He approached Ahsoka and asked her to fulfill her part of their agreement. She complies and sends four clone armies in each direction. The armies that traveled north, west and east found nothing but the troops that went south found out where Satine was. The southernmost army was disheartened at first because they had reached the sea and found nothing. They dared not go back emptied handed so they continued their search along the coast. Shaak Ti overhearing their concern approaches them. She said she saw General Grievous take Satine across the sea. Her brother was slain by Grievous when he tried to save Satine from his clutches. The clones report this back to Ahsoka and Obi Wan who immediately sent word for their troops to all head south. Obi Wan and Ahsoka both travel south and join the armies. They could not cross the sea at this time because the army who went north had not arrived yet. They had most of the ships because they had the furthest to travel on their previous mission. So they sent Anakin Skywalker alone to scout the area and find Satine.
When Anakin arrived he searched and searched but could not find Satine. He thought he had found her when he first arrived. He thought the Grievous’ wife was Sita but he knew, from what Obi Wan had told him, that Satine would remain loyal to Obi Wan so he knew that this could not be her. He then found her surrounded by assassin droids. He approached Satine and told her who he was and that he was here for Obi Wan. She was overjoyed that her love was on his way to rescue her. Anakin offered to save her then but she knew that they would never make it. She told him to give Obi Wan her bracelet as a sign that she was still alive. Anakin then returned back to Obi Wan with the gift and the news that Satine was still alive. By this time the extra ships had arrived and everyone boarding for the mission.
They arrive to Grievous’ kingdom and find Grievous’ droid army waiting for them. The battle commences and Obi Wan and the clones have the edge and are winning the battle. Until nightfall approaches and the droids heat vision takes full effect. They can easily see all the clone troops in the dark and start slaughtering them. Then Count Dooku throws a volley of rocks and boulders onto the battlefield gravely injuring Obi Wan and the other survivors. A dense fog covered the field when Yoda arrived. The cover disabled the droids heat vision and during that time Yoda healed all the troops including Obi Wan. Dooku sees this and in an attempt to demoralize them conjures up an image of Satine and stabs it in front of Obi Wan and the army. Before the agony swept in, Anakin told him of Grievous’ love for Satine and knew that he would not have ordered Dooku to slay her. Obi Wan rushes Dooku, killing hundreds of droids in his path, and confronts him. They begin to duel and during the fight a sniper took out Dooku. This enraged Grievous and he charged into battle. Grievous met Obi Wan and their battle commenced. Grievous using two sabers to combat Obi wan. Obi Wan was gaining the advantage on Grievous until he activated his two extra arms. Now wielding four light sabers, he was nearly unstoppable. Ahsoka saw this and threw one of her sabers to Obi Wan. The clash continued and the battle was glorious both exchanging the fastest and strongest attacks anyone had ever seen. In the end Obi Wan slashed off three of his arms and stabbed him through the heart. Winning the battle he and Anakin rush to Satine. Finding her, he embraced her in his arms promising to never let her go again. They then departed for Ahsoka’s kingdom to live out the rest of their lives.

Image info- Lightsaber

Author’s Notes:

This story focuses on a battle between two brothers, how Rama helped one of them, and his search for Sita. Rama (Obi Wan Kenobi) is summoned by Sugriva (Ahsoka Tano) to help defeat his older brother Vali (Hamry Tano). I changed the sex of the youngest brother to a female in my story. Sugriva explains how the conflict started and Rama agrees to help in exchange for help looking for Sita (Satine Kryze). They go out to fight the brother and Rama helps Sugriva defeat Vali. After the battle some time was spent celebrating but the search for Sita must begin. Sugriva sends four armies in every direction to help find Sita. They discover that she is across the sea in Ravana’s (General Grievous) territory. Hanuman (Anakin Skywalker) goes across the sea to scout the area and look for Sita. He is discovered and released. They cross the sea and the battle commences. Rama and his forces seem to be winning until night comes and the rakshasas gather their full strength also Indrajit( Count Dooku) badly injures Rama and tricks him with an illusion. The battle commence again after everyone is healed by Garuda (Yoda). Rama and Ravana start battling soon afterwards and Rama slays him and wins Sita back. 

Bibliography-  Rama and the Monkeys by Geraldine Hodgson

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana Part D

Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita

The monkey picks up a mountain and jumps over a sea with it. Not only is he powerful enough to jump across the sea, he can do it while holding a mountain. It is going to be funny to add that much strength to my characters. 

Photo information: Hanuman holding a mountain
Source- Hanuman Photo

Ravana's son Indrajit tricks Rama for a short time and then Vibhishan reveals what actually happened to him. This part of the story will be a great addition to what I want to do with my story.

The battle between these two will make a great climax to the story. The battle between, what seems to be, two of the strongest people in these stories. The battle was interesting and entertaining to read so it should be easy to do the same with my version of the story. 

Sita was rescued and her faith to Rama had to be tested. They do reunite which is why I am using the story. The hero wins the epic battle and gets the girl. I am excited to begin writing this weeks story. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana Part C

Sugriva's Story
Rama and the Monkeys by Geraldine Hodgson

I will be using this for my story this week. I liked the introduction into the two brother's conflict. I like Sugriva so far, he seems like a good guy but we shall see. May include a twist in the plot of my story if he turns out to be good. Rama and Sugriva make a deal to help each other.

This is the battle between the brothers. The younger brother wins with some help from Rama. I think I will leave Rama in my story but change how he helps in the battle. 

Ravana kills his brother while abducting Sita and in this part of the story he tells Sugriva's army that Ravana is across the sea. I'll use this to lead into the second part of their adventure when they try to find and rescue Sita. 

He goes off to find Sita alone. He is the only one strong enough to jump across the sea and I will use the some of the ideas from his stories and incorporate them into my story. I like Hanuman, he is incredibly powerful and is an interesting character to write a story around. 

Image Information- Vali and Sugriva fighting

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Feedback Thoughts

         I enjoyed the silencing critical voices article the most. There are times when I get overwhelmed with work and school work and I start to criticize myself for getting behind or not doing well on an assignment. This site helps lay out positive thinking steps that I can utilize for myself and be able to surpass my negative thoughts with positive ones. My boss at work is great at giving feedback to how we are doing. He gives us one comment on where we should improve and then tells us two things we are doing really well. This helps boost our morale at work and should be useful when giving feedback to everyone's stories. 
Image Info- Giving feedback 
Source- Feedback

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 2 Storytelling: The Mighty Thor

Thor was the son of Odin and was destined to become ruler over all of Asgard. He was loved by his father’s people and he was fully devoted to them and to his father. Thor’s father had gathered his council to ask them if they thought Thor would be a worthy successor and the men discussed this and all agreed that he would make a great ruler. The king asked once more to make sure that this was what was best for the people and again the men knew that Thor should be king. The people knew of his strength because he had the mighty hammer Mjolnir. He received this weapon by showing his strength in front of the king of Midgard. The king had heard the tales of Thor’s strength but wanted to test his abilities. He told Thor that he could marry his daughter Jane, if he could break the legendary shield of Ysgramor. Thor took his hammer, the one he had before Mjolnir, into battle and with his first strike, he shattered the unbreakable shield into pieces. The sound of the shield breaking was as loud as thunder to everyone in the room. Then the god Ysgramor suddenly appeared in front of everyone, angrily demanding to know who had broken his shield. Thor claimed responsibility for the act and because of this show of honesty and strength Ysgramor gifted Thor with the hammer Mjolnir. The hammer could only be wielded by those who it deemed worthy. Ysgramor tasked Thor with picking up the hammer. Thor approached and could feel the power emanating from the hammer. He reached down and grasped the leather bound handle and then with the slightest effort was able to lift the hammer high in the air. This stunned Ysgramor because never before this had the hammer chosen someone worthy enough to wield it. The God then left them without another word. When he returned from his journey, he started going through the coronation process when a witch appeared accompanied by her son Loki. Odin had made a deal with the witch who had saved his life after he had won a duel with the ice giant king but was fatally wounded. For saving his life Odin offered the witch two favors, any request that she had would be fulfilled. She told him that she would claim these favors in the future and in flash of light and smoke, she vanished.  She did not reveal what she wanted until she talked to Odin the night before the coronation of Thor. She demanded that Loki become king and not Thor. Odin struggled with the decision because he knew that he was betraying his son but he could not break his word either. He told the witch that her son would be king and the next day he told Thor of what had transpired all those years ago and what had happened last night. Thor was upset but listened to his father. The witch then came up with the second demand and that was to banish Thor for 10 years so that Loki could take over without rebellion from Thor’s followers. The next week Odin died and Loki was going to be made king, the council members decided to talk to Thor about this. They knew of the deal that Odin had made and tried to convince Thor that since his father had died the debt was paid and the bargain he had made with the witch was no longer valid. Thor was angry with the men for having no duty and said that he needed to preserve his father’s honor by upholding his father’s debt to the witch. Even Loki wanted him to stay but Thor persisted that it was for his and his father's honor. Thor and his wife Jane left Asgard and made their way to Midgard to serve the time that he had been sentenced. 
Image Information: Thor's Hammer
Source Mjolnir

Author's Note:
Parashurama was a part in the story of Rama where Rama snaps the God Shiva's bow. A bull-man creature, Shiva worshiper, appears to him in a rage because of what Rama had done. Rama then calms the priest and is offered the Bow of Vishnu as a test of his heroism. He is able to string and use the bow which causes the priest to praise Rama for his heroism and glory. This story is preceded by Rama wins Sita. The king tells Rama that if he can bend the bow that the king supplied, that he can have his daughter Sita for marriage. Rama broke the bow leading to the bull-man priest to show up. I also used the story of Kaikeyi and Dasharatha to add to my story. The witch in my story is based on Kaikeyi. She saved Rama's father and her granted her two boons, wishes essentially, and she asked that her son be made king and that Rama be banished for 14 years in the forest. 

Parashurama- The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould  
Rama wins Sita
Kaikeyi and Dasharatha